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Problem with textures/sat_lco

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Hey guys ive got a problem, not sure if its to do with textures or sat_lco

but the picture pretty much explains it! its like cut up in sqares! dunno why

ive not had this problem before and done the map according to a guide.

Its all working ingame etc, no errors in anything, just the picture has came

out wrong! lol. My map size is 10240 with terrain cell size 10 x 10.

Not sure what else to provide as really im not sure of this problem, sorry.



Edit: I made the map using Global mapper and universal maps downloader! the Square size of

the guide for making the map was 10.0m if that goes by anything. ive tried 20 x 20 but still nothing.

wondering if its that so tried.

Edited by DarkXess

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Hi D...

That looks like a badly stitched sat-pic to me... I haven't used this universal maps downloader... does it do the stitching or did you?

Doesn't look like any kind of Visitor issue anyway... take a real close zoomed in look at the actual Sat Pic itself - in Gimp or Photoshop... are the seams like that???


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This problem ive solved now mate, I just kept playing around with the picture and finally

its sorted. And yeah, universal maps downloader does all the hard work, stiching too! haha.


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