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Pickup Map - Get new objective.

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Ive searched around I got the answer to do this, but it requires scripting and what I need is to add an objective when the item is picked up. The answer I found only makes the current objective completed.

I do not have the logic or experience to do this so I wondered if you guys know how to do this?

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mmm i would do that :

Create a Trigger name trg1 :

cond : time > 1

act : tskExample1 = player createSimpleTask ["Pick the item"];

tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Pick the item from you house", "Pick the item from you house", "Pick the item from you house"];

tskExample1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "item1"); //Make sure you have an empty marker called 'item1',

player setCurrentTask tskExample1;

then on item init. put :

this addaction ["Pick the item", "item.sqf"];

then do create item.sqf and put that in :

nameofitem setpos getpos whatyouwant;

tskExample1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED";

hint "You picked the item"

hope it help will post 1 mission exemple in few minutes.

http://rapidshare.com/files/455294052/exemple.Chernarus.rar Exemple Mission

Edited by Ios
PS :

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He already said he knows how to set it succeeded. :P

Besides, that will only work in SP.

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once you pick up the item (deletevehicle suitcase or whatever)

another trigger

cond: !alive Item

act: obj2 = player createsimpletask ["go over there man"]; blah blah blah

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Guys.. Youre confusing me lol. So what Ios said wont work in MP, this is supposed to be a MP COOP mission so ill rule that thing out. However thanks for learning me on some more scripting.

Okey so how do I get this to work in MP. Pickup item-Item dissapear-Mission completed-Mission Added.

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Item init field:

this addaction ["Pick up","pickup.sqf"];


ItemPickedup = true;
publicvariable "ItemPickedup";


condition: ItemPickedup

onAct: nul = [] execvm "script.sqf";


deletevehicle itemName;
task1 settaskstate "succeeded";
task2 = player createsimpletask ["task2"];
task2 setsimpletaskdesction ["bla","bla","bla"];

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Thanks braw for the fast answer thank you alot! If I return I will do so with issues in this thread. Otherwise it works! THANKS EVERYONE :)

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