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Setting injury/damage teture on demand?

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Hello everybody.

Ever since OFP days when I started experimenting with the editor, I was wondering - is it possible to set the bloody texture on some soldier, to simulate he was hit in the arm (for example), but not by using the setDamage command?

The problem with setDamage is, that if I have a unit, that was hit in the legs only, and I want to use setDamage it to heal its stand ability like this:

{while {!(canStand _x) && (((damage _x)-0.01)>0)} do {_x setDamage (damage _x)-0.01};}forEach units group X;

Then it works, but there is high probability that after that, soldier will look like he went trough hell, with most/all of his textures set to full damage. This is because, usually (always?) when unit can't stand it has rather high damage value (0.75 for example), and setDamage sets "equal" damage to all parts of the body (I think).

What I would like is to be able to either enable/disable bloody textures on the specific parts of the model - the way ArmA engine does when soldier is hit in that part, or even better to setDamage to the specific part, something like: unit setDamage ["legs",1].

Is something like this possible?

Thanks in advance and sorry for any spelling errors ;]

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hi mate its not possible because engine of arma remove a damage textures if unit has healed.

and it is not possible working all functions of what you play as a problem or added flashlights on weapons the engine of arma takes into account that the class configvehicle to add lights only and not configweapon possible.

for detect damage on different parts of the body before your config file need binarized to accommodate floating point values ​​and a detection script for damages on different parts of body.

that only head_hit, body, hands, legs that work can not be detected sample lower leg domage on the upper leg or lower this count the entire leg.

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