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Preset Weapon selections by player UID [script]

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Question for you Demonized.

Is there a limit to the number of characters you capture and send to the RPT file>

I am trying to add a kestral, gas mask and cuffs here is my report.(I ended up dropping my backpack in the middle of the rpt file. But you can see it often cuts my loadout off.

"__________START of current weapon selection"


"__________END of current weapon selection"

"__________START of current weapon selection"


"__________END of current weapon selection"

"__________START of current weapon selection"


"__________END of current weapon selection"

Duplicate weapon ACE_BackPack detected for BB_OA_Merc_TL

"__________START of current weapon selection"


"__________END of current weapon selection"

Ref to nonnetwork object 2fd72d00# 1847: usbasicammo.p3d

Ref to nonnetwork object 2fd72d00# 1847: usbasicammo.p3d

Ref to nonnetwork object 2fd72d00# 1847: usbasicammo.p3d

"__________START of current weapon selection"


"__________END of current weapon selection"

I got this before but some times when I switch backpack to in hand and vice vise versa.

This is in the 1.5 with out the body name because I just want loadout, and it is in the single player mission in the desert.


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there seems to be a limit there based on your rpt.

below hidden as it was a rambling text :)

ive heard somewhere far far away that there is a limit on ca 2000 chars in a array being passed with a call command or sumthing sumthing, maybe same for diag_log, anyhow, i know nothing specific or if it even is related to this.

can you try same in v 1.41 demo and see, if same result, i will come up with a multiple array to gather loadout for those large ones.

---------- Post added at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------

there is indeed a limit on how many characters that can be in one array at one time and get printed to .rpt file.

this is the max tested in ace version:


same amount limit in vanilla arma2.

i will make a change to allow for a seperate ruck array for backpacks.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ----------

did also test on if it was maybe number of objects inside the array and not characters:


same result, limit is based on characters not objects.

---------- Post added at 01:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 AM ----------

limit amount is 1044 characters aparently.

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------

just a quick fix now maybe.

replace getMyPresets.sqf with this.

add the ruck conntent arr without first "[ and last ]" inside the main array(first one) after second array with magazines.

you will get something like this:

first array:

[["rifle_something","handgun"],["ammorifle"],add here]



paste in ruckarray exept the bold "[ and ]" at beginning and end in where it says add here.

you will end up with the same as before, something like this:


now there is ofcourse the issue if the game cannot work with a large array like this, wich is probably likely since it could not print it.

And i will have to make a second array in the preset_weapons.sqf, using 2 arrays for character large content for ACE users, wich is easily doable but will mean 1 extra cut and paste for the one setting the preset up.

let me know how this goes and i will post a downloadable workaround.

---------- Post added at 01:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------

from wiki on diag_log

ARMA2 crashes when diag_log is fed more than 1019 characters. diag_log might also crash ARMA2 when fed with less characters in some cases.

Note: This issue has been fixed in patch 1.04

Ive updated wiki with recent info.

and will look into using text command instead if there is no limitations on that.

---------- Post added at 01:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

limit is the same with text, so i will release a workaround for this issue tomorrow.

one small positive, i figured out a way to print the loadout without the first and last ", using text command, so this should limit any confusion for new scripters.


Edited by Demonized
hidden the wall of text inside a spoiler.

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I have been fiddling.

I noticed my one loadouts had a crazy amount of healing ITEMS. I believe it was when I added Full heal in Field and Anyone can heal Modules to the demo module so I could mirror what we play.

It did two things.

Added those Six healing items under the ON BACK words in your loadout screen.

Two bandaids, two Morpheans and two epiniphrins.

It add items to my pisotl fields as well that I couldn't see until I dropped stuff I could see..

I started dropping bandaids in my pistol loadout and more and more stuff kept showing up, Morphean, epiniphrine etc. All sort of in an invisible spot.

Not sure if this is ACE healing slots.

Once I removed this extra Invisible STUFF in my pistol slots my RPT file print worked.

Only tested for one character but that might also be characters causing issues.

Okay ran back into that limit.

Could you change the way you count ammo in your main slots? I have seen one group use the same sort of ["item",count] sort of thing even for the primary gear.

All I did to get the rpt to work was move three mags to my backpack. Good to go.

Just an FYi.

Edited by Styxx42
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Could you change the way you count ammo in your main slots? I have seen one group use the same sort of ["item",count] sort of thing even for the primary gear.

All I did to get the rpt to work was move three mags to my backpack. Good to go.

not totally sure what you mean, if i dont have ammo seperated i cant have them added properly, unless i get into cfgs ofc, but still there would be a character limit...

can you clarify what you mean?

Edit: having all in same array would only save 6-10 characters nothing more.

Edit: i was not awake x) i see what you mean now, "pistolmag",x amount, riflemag,x amount etc...

yes i will add this.

Edited by Demonized

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not totally sure what you mean, if i dont have ammo seperated i cant have them added properly, unless i get into cfgs ofc, but still there would be a character limit...

can you clarify what you mean?

Edit: having all in same array would only save 6-10 characters nothing more.

Edit: i was not awake x) i see what you mean now, "pistolmag",x amount, riflemag,x amount etc...

yes i will add this.

Ha I was all prepared to do a character count and illustrate what I meant.

Good Glad you got it. I didn't do a good job explaining.

Anyone else on this tread used this amazing script.

Man it is awesome.

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updated to v 1.42, first post updated demo mission download updated.

v 1.42 includes different way to gather ammo based on Stryxx42 reports.

now ammo is gathered like this [["rifle_mag",689],["pistol_mag",1]] etc...

instead of 689 pieces of "rifle_mag","rifle_mag","rifle_mag","rifle_mag", etc..

Edit: just realised i could do it another way to save even a few more characters when critical, but this character limit is mostly related to ACE wich have alot of selectable gear, and a on back slot wich vanilla users do not have.

will include this in later updates as it will only save 1 - 20ish total charaters.

but it will most likely never be a issue again since v 1.42 with ACE and MANY items, ammo, stuff..

Edited by Demonized

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Tested this last night and it is stellar.

Really clean about half the size of 1.41 and no QUOTES to cut and past between in the RPT file.

Great improvements.

Now I have to get the boys to reload one more time using this new 1.42. But it is worth it.

Great work, will fully test it this weekend on my ACE 2 Dedicated Windows 64 server.

Insurgency, with the loadout script firing off the Medic tent. Some would see this as cheating because we get to use the weapons we want in our game.

I see it as. FREAKEN AWESOME. :yay::yay::yay:

When there is only 3 of us playing, we need any help we can get. The speed this thing reloads us at is a HUGE savings. So much more GAMING happening because of this script

When you respawn back at tent, look up and quickly get your loadout and go.

To me that is something you just can put a price on.

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First of all great script. This will save so much time in missions.

However I am having a problem running it with the player uid. I am using the latest version 1.42 and I belive I have followed the instructions in the readme.

I have replaced "1111111" with my uid and put the following in the init of the unit.

_null = [this,"start"] execVM "loadouts\preset_weapons.sqf";

Nothing seems to happen when the mission runs.

I checked my Arma2OA.Rpt and found the following error repeated quite a bit:

Error in expression <(getPlayerUID _this) == 706340>

Error position: <== 706340>

Error Generic error in expression

This may sound daft but could this be due to UID having only 6 digits? If so is there a way round this?


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Edit: i confirmed your error when using script on player unit.

Error was missing ' ' in condition if actions was on man directly, vehicles not affected, i changed name of script to v 1.43 to avoid any confusion, 1st post download link updated.

Edited by Demonized

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Updated to v 1.43.

tnx to G-Man-853 for reporting critical error when used on unit with UID.

changed code, and way to collect weapons and magazines again, change is relevant for ACE users, and probably not vanilla users, this means you must collect your presets again. to get them correct.

Optimized script, tweaks etc.

Also did double test on both ACE and vanilla with unit name and UID just to make sure :)

For those that do not wish to redo all their presets again, here is the critical fix.

the fix for v 1.43 in regards to UID error was replacing this line in preset_weapons.sqf

_con = format["(getPlayerUID _this) == %1",(getPlayerUID _unit)];

with this:

_con = format["(getPlayerUID _this) == '%1'",(getPlayerUID _unit)];

do the above and you should be just fine, both ACE and vanilla users needs to do this, or simply download v 1.43 and copy the getMyPresets.sqf into your v 1.42 (old) demo_files folder and select your previous presets one by one, and use 0,0,1(radio) to gather the new presets in v 1.43 format.

Edited by Demonized

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Thanks for the fix. I'm going to crack on with some mission making now.

Again great script

Edit: I can get it to read the script now but I pick up every loadout. Checking the report file I get the following error.

Error in expression <it == player) then {_endPresets = _unit addAction ["I'm ready",_script,["end", [>

Error position: <addAction ["I'm ready",_script,["end", [>

Error Type Any, expected String

Edited by G-Man-853

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add this line to top of preset_weapons.sqf version 1.42:

_script = "loadouts\preset_weapons.sqf";

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Using 1.42

Latest ACE

Modded the demo mission to add PMC, BAF, and 3 robert Hammer Crates.

Both the ACE magic box and your crate script do not capture all items in the game.

Generated all new loadouts using the new method.

What an improvement.

5 players, 15 different combinations.

Used this init on the Med tent in ACe Insurgency .75

_null = [this,"start"] execVM "loadouts\preset_weapons.sqf";

Worked like a charm over and over and over and over.(um ya we died lots)

Your new method took what ever I threw at it.

I threw a TON at it.

When you make a grenadier in ACE you have multiple munitions to choose from.

Smoke of various colours, Star shells, various colours, CN gas grenades, HEDP and HE rounds, Hunter IR rounds IR pulse grenades.

As you can imagine the old way quickly ran out of characters.

I have not purposely tried to over run it but my default I quickly did had 68 Kg's of weight.(yes It was a mistake on my part but I was so busy inputting everyone else's, as well as helping them I had to really quickly do my one loadout so we could get to gaming. I was trying to cover all options for demolitions and grenades. Even with that absurd weight I didn't get all the explosives I could have in ACE.

G-Man-853 it is nice to have some one else testing different methods.

I thank you as well.

Great work and support Demonized.

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Tested the latest version last night with 25 members using their uids and running @ACE backpacks and @ACRE radios. Every thing worked and all members were happy with the system.

One little thing I noticed was after a while the ACRE radio generated twice one on back and one in hands. This wasn't a series problem and I don't think it was due to this script, it might have been to do with the default loadout of that unit. I will confirm this.

The other thing I think needs to be added was a way of ending preset selection after they have selected their loadout. (Replacing the need to trust them to select I am Ready)

Video link to our training exercise using the Preset Weapon selections by player UID [script]: here

All in all very happy with this script.

Edit:using version 1.43

Edited by G-Man-853
version number missing from post

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Edit: tnx for version update.

One little thing I noticed was after a while the ACRE radio generated twice one on back and one in hands. This wasn't a series problem and I don't think it was due to this script, it might have been to do with the default loadout of that unit. I will confirm this.

Will look into this, have not tested against ACRE radios, tnx for feedback.

Edit: this is maybe related to the above:

6. "I cant pickup a radio, its just flashing in my inventory a whole bunch"

This issue is caused by desync within ArmA2. Because of the way we handle our Radio ID's, we must delete and re-create a item inside your inventory. In the case of heavy server desync, this will cause no one to be able to actually pick up a radio. This does not CAUSE server desync, it is CAUSED by server desync. Either give it time, restart your mission, or figure out why desync is so horrible in your mission.

Dead player and respawn handling for both radio and direct chat

still investigating, but the above should not matter in theory since all old is removed before re equipped via this script.

But in theory, if ACRE mission is in desync at the time the player switches from original loadout to the script loadout, then maybe ACRE is recreating the radio in the inventory after desync is gone....

Can you give more specifics of the issue? was it instant? did the extra radio come instant with selecting a loadout?, was it detected later after using the loadout?

Any indebt details would be very helpful to get this potential bug fixed or at least confirmed.

The other thing I think needs to be added was a way of ending preset selection after they have selected their loadout. (Replacing the need to trust them to select I am Ready)
there already is a way, its described under detailed instructions/for missionmaker/ how to avoid cheaters, in first post, but it was out of date and headline was small and maybe a little hided, so i updated info to match current version and make it stand out more, info on this in readme is probably also outdated since i forgot to update it there as well.

Edit: you can ofcourse instead simply place the equip actions on a crate or vehicle or any object and then players will only be able to change when near it, like a ammo box express ;)

PS: tnx for the video link

Edited by Demonized

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looked through the entire video.

Pretty cool to have high command combined with live editor the way you guys did.

And ACRE is really giving Arma a boost when playing online, no question.

Did not notice any usage of the script, but then again did not notice any complaints about the script either :)

I noticed the few problems with ACRE comms going bugged after your first hostile TS, this when talking to the pilot.

Not sure if thats my script related at all, maybe just a ACRE/TS bug, as i seem to recall same thing happen along time ago when we used ACRE.

Keep me updated on any bugs and issues found and i will adress them to the best of my ability.

And there cannot be to much info on a bug report. if to long, include it in a spoiler or send me a pm with dl link or something.

btw, cool end of the video :)

Edit: i managed to reproduce the reported double radio ACRE issue with ACE, it seems when having secondary slot free, and ACRE radio on back with ACE, the double occurs, this happens everytime only when a fresh unit is equipping the loadout the first time(probably also after respawn), once the loadout has been equipped, equipping the same loadout again, fixes the issue givng the correct number of radios.

Quick fix for now, is to simply select same loadout again, and all doubles are fixed, still applies.

will release updated version when i get around the issue, will try to limit all changes to old presets so no new setups need to be made for new version.

Script error found, it was in getMyPresets.sqf, were it did not correctly delete the onback and backpack item correctly when setting up the preset resulting in a double creation, this was no issue with double ACE backpacks so it was not detected.

I think also i can fix this for ACRE without any impact on old presets ( 1.43 and 1.42 with added fix), but it will (maybe) be collected another way with next version, also working on another way of adding multiple presets:

Will post info on what to replace for old fix with next version.

modification idea for the future:

_loadouts = [

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

]; // end all presets.

_names = [

"name for 1",

"name for 2",

"name for 3",

"name for 4",

]; // end names.

This would be the only thing the user needs to add to the script.

now i can employ foreach commands and shorten script for one, but make it much easier for user to set up unknown more/less numbers of presets, as i have found that there is no longer or never was the limit of 10 actions available to a unit.

instead of the current method where the user has to manually modify the 4 lines to get the extra presets for each player set.


keep it as is or try to advance, im aware that the constant change of how things are set up is annoying so i will keep it to a minimum now that the major flaws have been ironed out, but the above could prove very useful for the not so skilled users, and for those that *coughg* dont *cough* read *coughg, cough* the readme ;)

Edited by Demonized

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Tried out methods suggested in your how to avoid cheaters instruction. I opted for the using object method in the end even though the trigger method worked.

My bad for not reading the read me properly.

Couple of the guys reported grenades accidentally being thrown when they select their loadout. This doesn't happen with myself and only 3 out of 25 reported this.

modification idea for the future:

_loadouts = [

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

[collected rpt file],

]; // end all presets.

_names = [

"name for 1",

"name for 2",

"name for 3",

"name for 4",

]; // end names.

This would be the only thing the user needs to add to the script.

now i can employ foreach commands and shorten script for one, but make it much easier for user to set up unknown more/less numbers of presets, as i have found that there is no longer or never was the limit of 10 actions available to a unit.

instead of the current method where the user has to manually modify the 4 lines to get the extra presets for each player set.


keep it as is or try to advance, im aware that the constant change of how things are set up is annoying so i will keep it to a minimum now that the major flaws have been ironed out, but the above could prove very useful for the not so skilled users, and for those that *coughg* dont *cough* read *coughg, cough* the readme ;)

I'm quite happy with the current method but if your new one makes life easier for mission makers then go for it.

Edited by G-Man-853

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Couple of the guys reported grenades accidentally being thrown when they select their loadout. This doesn't happen with myself and only 3 out of 25 reported this.
this is probably due to them clicking mouse button before weapon is selected, there is time delays to make the switch smoother, instead of zap quick.

grenade is selected automatically before the rifle is, so wait a second or 2 and primary weapon (rifle) should be selected.

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Updated script to v 1.44

- added dynamic creation of x amount of preset loadouts, infinite? tested with 23 total.

- fix for ocasional multiple ACRE radios.

- prevent accidental grenade throw due to multiple mouse clicks when selecting loadout.

- further shortening of characters printed to .rpt file, by removing double instances for weapon on back and backpack with ACE.

- shortened viewed script to make for easier usage, NOTE: this is not attempt to hide code, simply place cursor behind every ; and press enter in arma edit or similar to restore full readability.

- added damage check of object/vehicle conditon, note: this can be altered any way desired.

- updated readme.

Edit: issues: when using ACRE mod, magic box stop working most of the times in demo mission, unsure why.

workaround, place down any ammo box of choise and select gear from them.

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

there was an error in preset_weapons.sqf loadout for DonkeyKong, there was an extra comma in _loadouts array, but then again the loadout is fictional as there is no poo shooters in arma so noone will be affected, primary examples are good.

Download updated.

Edited by Demonized

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Updated script to v 1.44.

Download updated.

Hey Demonized.

Is this a total redo from scratch of the loadout again?

Let me know.

I literally just finished the loadouts for everyone last night on 1.42

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no m8

you can still use the old loadouts, only ACRE ocasional double issue will not be fixed then, but there is workaround.

---------- Post added at 04:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

if your array has "ruck" in it near the end then look in first set of arrays


if ruck classname is in same array as "rifle","itemmap","etc" then change it to

"" just to with nothing in it.

also do same if you have "wepOb" at next last in array, then check if the classname after "wepOb" is in same as above and change to



Still some work but better than full redo.

also you can still use the old preset_weapons.sqf instead of the new, new is only same but optimised for dynamic amount of actions instead of having to type alot extra in and better on the eyes and size.

Edit: but if you dont mind the ocasional double ACRE radio in special circumstances, dont change anything, just copy preset_equip.sqf to your loadouts folder.

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Now that this is working flawlessly for us,I want to leave you with a HUGE thanks.

I can't tell you how awesome this is.

I make sure that I tell my mates how much time they save. I still marvel at the ease of this.

I hope that Arma 3 has something like this with an improved version of your model swap.

One thing I have disliked about this game and every iteration of it is that you are NOT the same soldier.

Why you can't pick your loadout, your skin and GO in ANY mission.

This is the closest we can get and for me, IT IS AWESOME.

To bad we could not configure the squads loadouts and then make a PBO for CLAN servers.

Drop it in your addons folder and always get your loadouts.

THAT would be awesome.

But I digress.

Really this is a BIG THANK YOU for your effort and talent Demonized.

If you ever need something I can help with, you have earn it.

Just ask

Styxx42 OUT.

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Thank you Styxx42, i appreciate the kind words.

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Haing problems - Nothing writing to my RPT file. Any ideas?

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