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Renaming classes/characters

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I'd like to rename the 'characters' or 'men' in a mission i've made but try as i might I can't seem to find a tutorial for it after google-ing for an hour. An example would be renaming a 'Demo-Man' to a 'Machinegunner' in the squad selection menu and show up in-game when your cursor is over the player.

I hope this isn't a question you guys get spammed with but it'd really help if someone could give me a quick walk through or point me in the direction of one that's already been made.

Thank you.

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Sweet Jesus this forum is either slow or people don't like to help each other...

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Yes it's slow and we don't like helping anyone.

Name which show up with cursor pointing are taken from configs. Can't be changed. If you need a machinegunner, place a machinegunner. If you need a demo expert, place demo expert. Role selection screen names can be changed by using the Description field below the init field in unit properties window.

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Thank you for the reply.

How would I go about changing it in the description field?

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