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Workaround for missing assignToTurret commands.

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Well, it was going to be a question but figured out a solution (kinda sorta) so posting the workaround I found instead :rolleyes: Kinda messy though, but here goes...

Scenario: Simulate the alarm going at an air base and pilots running to their aircraft, while fighting is close - an aircraft scramble.

Problem: Pilots either think they are infantry being cautious in aware and higher modes, or slow walking in other modes without any means to speed them up.

Solution: Let their leader be a civilian who is quickly deleted, making them a civilian group. This prevents them from changing modes if everybody is friendly to civilian. At the empty vehicle there is a western unit that creates a named group and have the waypoints from liftoff. Also there is a trigger near the vehicle that counts if vehicle crew is equal to sum of named civilian and western group (can be as refined as you need it to be). When true, everyone joins the western group and they lift off.

But getting crew to proper positions can be a nightmare due to missing assignToTurret commands (similar to assignAsGunner). The solution I found was to use moveInTurret, combined with allowGetIn false, causing them to eject and run (possible to help using a getOut EH I guess, but I didn't need it) to their leader who has normal assign. The groups last waypoint is a GetIn waypoint, overriding the allowGetIn false. And the amazing thing is, their "assignment" (from moveInTurret) is remembered.

As seen, this is kinda messy to setup. There may be better ways to attack this problem, but I have some wishes to make it easier:

1) AssignToTurret commands. They'll remember their assignment after having used moveInTurret, but this workaround may not be possible to use in all scenarios.

2) Careless mode should respect speed mode or at least forceSpeed/limitSpeed. If nothing is happening, then I'm able to use forceSpeed in limited speed mode with other behaviors (such as a high speed walk, but will be interupted on contact).

Well, not sure if this is useful to anyone. Writing it as a note to self in case I get into problems again :D

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Voted. Assignment was "saved" (internally by the engine) after moveInTurret. AllowGetin false kicked them out again, but... When the GetIn waypoint happened later (the real scramble), they did so according to their previous "assignment" (memory).

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strange thing i noticed now, was that getin or getinnearest wps only man gunner pos,cargo,commander,driver and no turret positions.

m1a1 tusk only gunner, driver, commander get in, no one occupies turret (loader) position.

On chinook, only rear (gunner), driver and cargo positions is occupied, 2 miniguns(turrets) is not manned.

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