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ECL beta test nights

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Hello to all PvP players,

As a member of ECL staff, I would like to invite all of you to our weekly sunday evenings beta test nights, during which we try out and play for fun new maps submitted by mapmakers that will be possibly played during next ECL season should there be such.

The map types to be expected include the most popular ones such as capture the flag or capture and hold, as well as combination of these, and a few more. What's so specific about these maps is probably the emphasis on tactics rather than "run&gun" approach - in each of them the team which supplies their equipment and skills with better plan, has much greater chances for victory.

If you think of CTFs as of extra small and narrow counter-strike like maps - please don't. ECL's CTF tend to take place on a large area, with difficult approaches to each of the flags and several respawnable (usually with long respawn time) or nonrespawnable vehicles at your disposal, long travel and respawn time (every time you get shot it may cost your team a lot). Although they usually are not very realistic (well, they aren't meant to be), they surely are challenging and make use of ArmA2 potential. So do the other maps.

If you are bored to death with another domination or warfare or you find public pvp gaming as too unorganised, take a shot at these evenings. It will also help us:)

Should you be interested in joining, here are some details:

-> ECL webpage http://european-combat-league.net (would be nice to announce your presence)

-> The new maps host up to 24 players.

-> Games taking place on [25DKP] Gameserver

-> Starting hour - 20.00 GMT

-> Everyone is welcome!

Best regards,


PS Very soon we will start also testing my PvP animation pack.

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I am refreshing this topic as another and probably last attempt to thrust some breath into PvP gaming community and remind you of the beta test nights we hold as a good first step to become familiar with ECL style of playing.

At the moment we play every time with my Competitive Gaming Animation pack enabled and experience this tactical shooter to the maximum of fun while playing in a close team versus team games. Although it may not be captivating for those who enjoy playing against another player by travelling 5 km through an island on foot without any visual contact, the way we play it should be attractive both for COOP and other PvP players who are not so interested in total realism rather than they are interested in PURE fun, PURE adrenaline and PURE teamwork.

Yes, especially the latter is one of the most important issues of all. So many times we have felt or heard "I played to the maximum of my abilities and worked for two or three but my team couldn't keep up with my pace and so we lost because you were more organized, disciplined and had better planning". And that's what ECL gaming is all about - the ability to think, cooperate and adapt during 30 mintues of one-round gameplay. There is no similiarity between ECL maps and popular PvP games such as Call of Duty or Counter-strike. The size is way different, the approach is way different, the way the maps are played is so much different.

If you have a team (playing without team has become quite a standard for ArmA2 community and many lone-wolfers are spoiling the teamwork nature of the game), don't hestitate and pay us a visit on testing gameservers (you can learn those from ECL webpages), see how it goes and why we think it's unique and why you can't think this kind of play in other games.

I don't think you will regret :)

Best regards,


Edited by Smookie

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