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Vehicle Paradrop outside map area on Takistan

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I cant use the BIS function (which works outside the map btw) because i need to name the vehicle and give it a custom loadout.

I use a create vehicle command for the parachute and attack a vehicle to it, now if i do it inside the map, then it works, but if i do it in the desert to the left hand side of the takistan map then the parachutes and vehicle spawn on the ground and not in the air.

Any ideas how i can get this to work, or use the bis one to create a named vehicle.



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I have sorted it now. I was using create vehicle to create parachute, and what ever height i gave it, it didnt work. So i just added and large west cargo parachute(flying) to the map and set its pos on init to 2000 and the just set it pos to where the c130 was when i need it, and it worked.

Of course this only really works if you want to use it near the start of a mission, unless you set its height to 10000 and kept setting it high until you needed it.



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well i use createVehicle on parachutes outside of map multiple times in a mission and no problems at all, this is in combination with c130 drops.

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