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Completing a task when vehicle is detached

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I can't figure out what to put in the condition of a trigger to complete a task when a vehicle is detached from another vehicle. Here is a screenshot of my vehicle:

My Attached Vehicle (I didn't know if you needed to see it?)

When I detach the pickup from the V3S I want my task to be completed. What would I put in the condition field of the trigger?


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If you detach the vehicle set a variable with condition you ever want and put it in your condition field. If your mission will be player in MP mode use publicVariabale to make sure all clients will get the variable.


Edited by Buliwyf

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no idea whether an attached object can be detached without manual script command.

Maybe you can use "distance" to test its offset.

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go with Buliwyf´s suggestion as this is fool proof in any situation.

Distance check would fail if the unit it is attached to is not moving away.

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