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ALICE2 - Some towns are empty

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Does anyone know why somes towns are not populate with ALICE2 in takistan ? :D

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put this in the init field of the module:

this setvariable ["debug",true];

It will show you on the map where all the civilians are

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yes, but i see some towns where they are not like chaman ! How can i populate them ? :D

Edited by code34

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Well I don't think they begin spawning civilians until a player gets near them. Barring that being your issue, I don't know enough about programming the module to tell you I'm afraid.

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yes, but for thoses it doesn't work :D

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i tried to use the townlist variable but it doesn't work. :D

It's why i come here, if anybody have an exact idea on the problem, or a piece of code ?

wctownlocations = nearestLocations [[7000,7000], ["NameCityCapital", "NameCity","NameVillage", "Name", "NameLocal"], 20000];

wcadd = [wctownlocations, [], true]call bis_fnc_locations;

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["townlist", wcadd];

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["debug",true];

this piece of code doesn't work.

Edited by code34

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try this:

Populating Empty Towns

"This is useful if you're trying to populate "empty" towns when using ALICE2."

Ok, in fact, it seems there is no chance to do this without downloading a patch of BIS code ?

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