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HELP with Arma 2 Editor assigning units (I'm new to it)

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Im attempting to make a mission involving a navy SEAL team landing/ having them take out certain targets across the map. I Placed some rubber landing boats off the coast and I want to place my navy SEALs into the rubber boats, does anyone know how to place units from the editor into the boats?

thanks in advance for your help

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2 ways of doing this: 2nd is prefered.

1st: place this in every units initline, when you doubleclick in editor and place the unit.

this assignAsCargo boatname; this moveInCargo boatname;

2nd: place this in leader of groups initline.

{_x assignAsCargo boatname; _x moveInCargo boatname} foreach units group this;

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for example you call the boat "boat1"

and on the init of the units that you want to get in the boat

this moveincargo boat1

or the same with moveindriver to put him as driver

Also its interesting use assingascargo if they are ias to avoid then to leave the boat.

Edit: Demonized was faster ^^

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ok thank you it worked for me and was alot of help. another question:

i now have 3 rubber landing boats filled with navy SEALs, i want to also insert a sniper team via blackhawk somewhere else on the map. so i placed a blackhawk and a sniper team and grouped them together, but when i test the mission i cannot control the sniper team or blackhawk. im assuming that it is because they are not grouped with my squad of navy SEALs and my player, im sure there is any easy answer to this, im just totally new to the editor though.

thanks in advance for anyone who answers this for me

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You could also use the High Command Module if you want to control other squads...

See this video on how to get it working


Basically just place the high command - commander module and the subordinate module, sync them together and sync commander with one player who is the leader of all squads. and any group leader's with the subordinate one.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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The unit information screen that pops up before the unit is placed already has the units listed as "playable" but they are unable to control when i tests my scenerio, which is what has me stumped. I do have the sniper team grouped with the blackhawk by themselves, and my SEAL team grouped with me(my player) separately. could this be causeing my problem?

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