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Returning a unit's number...

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i've searched the forums and the comref, and I can't find a reliable way of returning a unit's number within the squad ie the number of the unit that shows up in the command bar. Does such a command/script exist?

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Leader's init:

{_x setVariable ["unitnumber",_forEachIndex+1,true]} forEach units group this

You get the unit's number with unit getVariable "unitnumber"

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I guess thats the way you have to do it. Trouble is that it I was using it in a situation where units could join or leave the squad, or be regrouped after some members were killed. Thanks!

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Number = (units groupName) find unitname;

hint format["position number for %1 is %2",unitname,Number];

should say something like "position number of unitname is 3".

This should in theory get you the number of the unit from the array (units groupname)

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Nope that doesn't work because units (groupname) just returns the units in a straight array. If unit 3 was killed then unit 4 would become unit 3 when called with units (groupname). The only way I can see to do it is global variables and just keep track of units entering or leaving the squad.

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