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Thats_Life 2.0

Multiple intro's/cutscenes?

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I really cannot find a sollution for this. Hope someone knows it...

I have some intro's and I want them playing one after another.

See below: When you use cutscene = Introduction.utes; for one intro it's no problem.

class Chapter1


name = "Going";

cutscene = Introduction.utes;

firstMission = BOBbob;

end1 = ;

end2 = ;

end3 = ;

end4 = ;

end5 = ;

end6 = ;

lost = ;


but I want more cutscenes/intro's after one another.

I cannot put cutscene = Introduction.utes; 2 or 3 times in the description.

It gives an error.

And I do not want it to show up in the missionslist like PMC: <cutscene>.

If I want that i put them in as missions. I do know that.

So this doesn't work:

class Chapter1


name = "Going";

cutscene = Introduction.utes;

cutscene = Intro.utes;

cutscene = cutscene.utes;

firstMission = BOBbob;

end1 = ;

end2 = ;

end3 = ;

end4 = ;

end5 = ;

end6 = ;

lost = ;


Does anyone knows how to do this?


Edited by Thats_Life 2.0

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I'm not totally clear on what your goal is. Are you trying to do 3 sequential cutscenes before a mission starts? If they're all on the same map (like you show), why not put them all in the same "mission", and do a cleanup after each one. For example, I have a couple cutscenes that are complex enough that when the first half is done, I move or spawn new units, delete the old ones no longer needed, and start a new camera sequence. I do a black out and black in between the scenes while the cleanup is going on and the new camera is initiated.

At any rate, you can have only one cutscene property per chapter, but you can have as many chapters as you want.


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Yes thats what I want. 3 cutscenes playing after one another.

So I need to add for every unit or group a spawn, despawn and waypoint script in a .sqf?

Then I have allot of work to do at the moment :(

Is there no simpler way?

Edit: Can I not use multiple chapters and every chapter has a intro but no mission.

So if I want 3 intro's I do this:

class Chapter1


name = "Going";

cutscene = Introduction.utes;


class Chapter2


name = "Going2";

cutscene = Intro.utes;


class Chapter3


name = "Going3";

cutscene = Intro2.utes;

firstMission = BOBbob;

end1 = ;

end2 = ;

end3 = ;

end4 = ;

end5 = ;

end6 = ;

lost = ;


I'm on work now so cannot test... :D

Edited by Thats_Life 2.0

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I think it is possible to do that, but then, I have not tried it :)

You could of course just make them as 3 consecutive missions, but I know you want to avoid them showing up as missions. A little experimentation may yield a better solution.

One other idea, is that the first movie is defined by cutscene, then call the first mission, but put the 2nd and 3rd movie into the intro of the mission. Or some variation. Would only have to spawn units for one of the movies.

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What I treid didn't work.

For the rest I have no ideas..

So the last way you mentioned gives you 1 show up as mission?

It's unfortunate it will not work the easy way ;)

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I think you might be able to do this:

class Chapter_Intro
name = "Intro Movies";

cutscene = ;
firstMission = Movie1;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;
lost = ;

class Movie1: MissionDefault
end1 = Movie2;
template = Introduction.utes;

class Movie2: MissionDefault
end1 = Movie3;
template = intro.utes;

class Movie3: MissionDefault
end1 = Chapter1;
template = cutscene.utes;

Even though these would be in their own mission.sqm's, I would still put the movie into the intro, and leave the mission empty. You can use "initIntro.sqf" (or sqs) if you want to initialize any scripting, it is automatically called by an intro.

This isn't tested for syntax, but I think it's right. :D

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Sorry for the late reaction.

Was drunk for 4 days. haha. I love carnaval. :bounce3::yay:

Try that very soon. thanks for your help... I let you know...

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Sorry, I cannot get it to work.

Tried your script. didn't work.

Tried adding on top:

class MissionDefault


lives = -1;

lost = ;

end1 = ;

end2 = ;

end3 = ;

end4 = ;

end5 = ;

end6 = ;


class Campaign


name = "Operation Dutch";

firstBattle = Chapter1;

That also didn't work.

It has something to do with:

class Movie1: MissionDefault{

end1 = Movie2;

template = Introduction.utes;


Error - Line 14.

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Here it is..

class MissionDefault
lives = -1;

lost = ;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;

class Campaign
name = "Operation Dutch";
firstBattle = Chapter_Intro;

class Chapter_Intro
name = "Intro Movies";

cutscene = ;
firstMission = Movie1;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;
lost = ;

class Movie1: MissionDefault
   end1 = Movie2;
   template = Introduction_OD.utes;

class Movie2: MissionDefault
   end1 = Movie3;
   template = intro_arrive.utes;

class Movie3: MissionDefault
   end1 = Chapter1;
   template = introtraining.utes;

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I think you need to do the chapter class thing for each scene.

class Chapter_Intro
name = "Intro Movies";

cutscene = ;
firstMission = Movie1;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;
lost = ;

class Movie1: MissionDefault
   end1 = Movie2;
   template = Introduction_OD.utes;

class Chapter_Intro2
name = "Intro 2 Movies";

cutscene = ;
firstMission = Movie2;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;
lost = ;

class Movie2: MissionDefault
   end1 = Movie3;
   template = intro_arrive.utes;

and so on......

Honestly though I got no clue. I just learned this morning how to properly put together a normal campaign structure. :)

Good luck.

And I wonder if you just switched the Movie# to "cutscene = ;" instead of in "firstMission = Movie2;" if that would have any effect?

Edited by Manzilla

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I honestly don't see anything wrong with what you posted. I copied to my editor to make sure the formatting was correct.

However, in Movie3 where end1 references Chapter1, did you make a Chapter1 class? Something like this:

class Campaign
   name = "Operation Dutch";
   firstBattle = Chapter_Intro;

 class Chapter_Intro
    ... code from previous posts

 class Chapter1
    ... mission code

I didn't explain that part in my earlier post. You don't have to use a Chapter1 or any other chapters, it was just for organizational purposes. You can just put all subsequent missions after class Movie3, and make sure the end for Movie3 references whatever you call the next mission (or chapter).

If you don't have another mission or chapter at the moment, make sure to delete "Chapter" and just leave the semicolon for end1.

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This does the trick:

// 		Thats_Life 2.0 Operation Dutch campaign

class MissionDefault
lives = -1;

lost = ;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;

class Campaign
name = "Operation Dutch";
firstBattle = Chapter_Intro;

class Chapter_Intro
name = "Intro Movies";

cutscene = ;
firstMission = Movie1;
end1 = ;
end2 = ;
end3 = ;
end4 = ;
end5 = ;
end6 = ;
lost = ;

class Movie1: MissionDefault
   	end1 = Movie2;
lost = Movie2;
  	template = Introduction_OD.utes;

class Movie2: MissionDefault
   	end1 = Movie3;
lost = Movie3;
   	template = intro_arrive.utes;

class Movie3: MissionDefault
  	end1 = ;
lost = ;
   	template = introtraining.utes;

But now you still see the names of the intro's in the campaign mission selection menu. :j:

It looks like the same as my previous description.ext, only other names... :cool:

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I'm using the cutscene property in my campaign, and the movies still show up in the list, presumably because they have their own templates.

One other idea for you, maybe consolidate them into one mission by using the intro and outro. You will still get a listing on the campaign screen, but only one instead of three. So make one mission, put the first movie into the intro, the second into the mission, and the third into the outro. In order to start a movie in the intro, either use "initIntro.sqf" which is automatically called, or use an editor object to execute the movie script. For the outro, there is no automatic script, and it has to be started by an editor object. For example, the "player" on the map could have an execVM call to the movie script in its init field. The last mission of Operation Arrowhead has an outro (the press conference) with "outro.sqf" which is actually called by a unit on the outro map (if memory serves me).

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