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un-hide object?

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Two questions:

[1.] Is there a command to un-hide an object that has been hidden with hideObject? I've searched the Wiki and these forums but found nothing.

[2.] What exactly do I have to do when I want to hide a player-controlled soldier on both the server and all clients? (In an experimental fun-map) I want players to be able to hide themselves by an action menu. What must the sqs-file look like that is called by an action menu

HideMenu = player addaction ["Hide", "hidefile.sqs", [] ];

In the Wiki I found this code but it seems I am not familiar with all elements to adapt them for me:

_nic = [nil, player, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE; <--- Is this code correct?

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_object hideObject true; //Hide

_object hideObject false; //Un-Hide


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