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Unable to issue orders/request SitRep

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Right, I'm making a mission where a small team (5 total members) are inserted VIA chopper. The leader is the FR Commander while the other group members are Afrenian units from the Isla Duala map (On Isla Duala aswell) The chopper is also the Afrenian chopper.

Well after being flown to the LZ, the team exits the chopper correctly and all that. But as soon as the 5th units (AI) leaves the chopper I try to order them into either another formation/Stance/etc and I can not do such. For some odd reason I can't even ask for a Sitrep, even when I'm standing right next to the AI.

As well before the helo trip the team must board the chopper if that makes any difference.

(Tested with starting inside the chopper. First try it worked but when I tested it a second time it failed to allow me to issue commands. Starting to get confused.)

And the landing has worked until today for some odd reason, and all I did was add markers to the mission.

I've also tested it on Utes with purely USMC units and after being dropped off, I can't issue commands.

Other mods being used are

@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_USNavy;@Duala (All updated to latest version as of today Feb 27)

Any ideas as to why this would be happening, would be great ^^

Edited by SigintArmA

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I know I had a problem in someone else's mission I downloaded. Even though the AI men were on the ground and the chopper was long gone, I still had to issue the disembark command to get them to do anything.

I don't know if this is quite your issue but worth looking into.

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Negative Rail82. That doesn't seem to be it. They're well out of the chopper and following me around. Only order I can give is a single 'Return to Formation' without words and thats it. I can't use any other commands after such.

I'm at a loss of whats going on.

Alright, I've even tried using scripts to dismount the group and still, unable to send orders. I'm completely and utterly clueless as to why suck a thing is happening.

Any and all help is looked for.

Edited by SigintArmA

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