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Task Force Blackjack Friday Night Frag Fest

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Welcome! I, SSG Reekum would like to invite the Arma 2 community to join Task Force Blackjack on Friday nights for our Frag Fest. We kick the event off at 2100 EST every Friday. Task Force Blackjack is a unit that is combined with multiple combat support elements (INF, Aviation, Fire Support). We support multiple games, but our first was Arma. This Friday (2/18) we will host either a MSO mission (See Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13336), Zombies, or the new Insurgency. MSO and Insurgency will be vanilla, but Zombies would be run with ACE.

Check out our website for updates: http://tf-blackjack.com/content.php

Please see our Yoma FTP to get the updates: http://tf-blackjack.com/downloads/TFB.7z

To find our servers, simply filter for "Task Force Blackjack". If you are having issues with any of our stuff, please send me a PM. Hope to see you there!

Our Teamspeak Server: Port 9987

Edited by Exikutioner
Added Teamspeak Server IP

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hmmm.... I just had an idea reading this post

fast moving zombies in mso, that respawn every so often to keep the action crazy all the time.

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