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james mckenzie-smith

Single trigger, multiple actions?

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How does one have a single trigger with multiple things occurring to a single unit, in a consecutive sequence? For instance:

(Trigger activated)

unit1 salutes, and then

unit1 sits down

I know how to do single actions, no problem (Don't worry about the 'unit1 salutes, and thenunit1 sits down' in my example above, I know how to code that sort of thing, but I am trying not to clutter this post too much). The question is, can one do several in sequence, in a single trigger?

Thanks anyone for any assistance. I have looked this one up here, and on the wiki, and I am drawing blanks so far.

As an aside, my little daughter who is on my lap wants to include the dancing banana in this post, so here we go:


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0=[] spawn {unit playMove "saluteanimation";sleep 5;unit playMove "sitanimation"}

spawn will create a parallel process where any sqf based script can be executed. Very handy especially in situations like these.

Edited by Celery

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