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-netlog batch file

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i have found in the wiki page something about a rotation netlog file


This will record to a net.log file in the ArmA program directory, IP Address, Player name, mod's they are loading, net traffic and the Player ID which is very useful for dealing with troublemakers.

Be aware, the logs can grow large as they are not rotated, I would suggest doing this manually when the server is shutdown, or you could automate this in your startup batch file as follows:

@if exist net.log goto rotatelog else end


set str=%date%

set tme=%time%

rem echo."%str%" "%tme%"

for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=." %%i in ("%str%") do set str=%%k%%j%%i

for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:." %%i in ("%tme%") do set tme=%%i%%j%%k

rem echo."%str%" "%tme%"

move net.log .\NetLogs\%str%_%tme%_net.log

set str=

set tme=

has enyone tryed to get this to work... if yes how do yuo do it!

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