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My personal ideas on the top ten wanted addons

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from FCATrooper on 8:49 pm on Dec. 20, 2001

he wants the british army in it because thats what all the brits want because all the brits in this forum (none of whom have ever so much as held a rifle before) are under the impression that their army's the best.

i reckon UN units,with blue flackjackets and helmets,would be a good idea

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I'm not even going to start LMAO wink.gif

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Believe it or not gentlemen... but the Irish Rangers (Irish army elite force) are rated at the 2nd or 3rd best in the world (not sure).

Better that the SAS :cool:

Let's not turn this thread into another "who's better" thread and so on... I'm only stating fact's here.

(Edited by MP at 1:21 am on Dec. 22, 2001)

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"Believe it or not gentlemen... but the Irish Rangers (Irish army elite force) are rated at the 2nd or 3rd best in the world (not sure).

Better that the SAS

Let's not turn this thread into another "who's better" thread and so on... I'm only stating fact's here. "

How can an opinion you read somewhere be a fact? You can't be that stupid. Oh, and you've just contributed to that which you hoped to prevent there tanto.

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"How can an opinion you read somewhere be a fact? You can't be that stupid. Oh, and you've just contributed to that which you hoped to prevent there tanto. "

I laugh at your stupidity NEWBIE.

If you have been on this forum long enough (which you HAVE NOT) you might have known that I am in the Irish army and have been for many years.

So plain and simply f**k OFF!!!

I realy could do with an "Up yours" pic right now...

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Oh s**t... There we go again.... wink.gif

STOP MP, STOP!!! lol

Come on, it's Christmas

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Being from Ireland, I can tell you the Irish Rangers are NOT the best. They go way to much by the book, after all the entire Irish army does nothing BUT train... besides that, special forces don't matter when the largest ship in your navy would be crushed by any British ship (Highest Naval Corp ship class in the Irish Navy is a destroyer).

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"I laugh at your stupidity NEWBIE.

If you have been on this forum long enough (which you HAVE NOT) you might have known that I am in the Irish army and have been for many years. "

What the #### does your service in the irish army have to do with you making a stupid comment? Whether you have served or not does not make your claim that the Irish rangers are some of the best any more true.

I won't deny that they may be a good unit, but saying something is fact when it is an arguement that cannot be proven is ridiculous.

And what are you, 10? Did you really have to resort to calling me a newbie? What's next, a "yo momma" joke?It takes far more than that to offend me champ.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MP on 3:20 am on Dec. 22, 2001

Believe it or not gentlemen... but the Irish Rangers (Irish army elite force) are rated at the 2nd or 3rd best in the world (not sure).

Better that the SAS :cool:

Let's not turn this thread into another "who's better" thread and so on... I'm only stating fact's here.

(Edited by MP at 1:21 am on Dec. 22, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

(Edited by Ruskie at 12:19 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MP on 3:20 am on Dec. 22, 2001

Believe it or not gentlemen... but the Irish Rangers (Irish army elite force) are rated at the 2nd or 3rd best in the world (not sure).

Better that the SAS :cool:

Let's not turn this thread into another "who's better" thread and so on... I'm only stating fact's here.

(Edited by MP at 1:21 am on Dec. 22, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

''Better that the SAS''


i suppose next it'll be the irish regiment of french cuisine chef's could kick delta force ass.

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I AM a member of the Irish elite, ARW, and I can tell you that (having trained alongside Delta, US Rangers, SAS, GSG-9, and ESI, and fought alongside the Aussie SAS) the best are the UK SAS, 2nd is Aussie SAS, then the ESI (although they are a bit shoot-first-ask-later), then GSG-9 then the IRISH ARMY RANGER WING then the American D-boys.

This is fact, are any of you in your country's elite?


thought not.

P.S. Oh and by the way, I am aware of the irony of being an elite soldier yet playing military pc games so don't bother pointing that out. smile.gif

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Someone once said "your only as good as your last fight" I'm a firm believer in that. I was just wondering when the ARW last seen combat? Since I know very little about them maybe you could enlighten me in there colourfull military history?

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Since our country is neutral (there is a big split in Ireland over whether we should be), we have never used our troops, SF or otherwise, in OFFENSIVE nature.

However, being members of the UN (and at the time of writing, Chairmen of the Security Council) we often deploy troops on peacekeeping or DEFENSIVE duties.

This does not mean we don't get involved in "fights" as you call them.

Last one? Not authorised to tell you.

Last one i am allowed to tell you about?

East Timor 1999. Officially, very quiet operation involving us, the Aussie SAS and the South African SF. No casualties, *officially* no skirmish contact of any kind.


I'm sorry, but that information is classified unless my superiors tell me otherwise.... sad.gif

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Intresting, Irish covert ops smile.gif

Do you think you could do us a favour and shoot Jonny "MadDog" Adair when he gets out of prison for crimbo? (his only crime is loyalty..........and drugs & murder)

Do you have any pics or links the forum could look at?

ps Tell King Kong to f**k off IF he spouts some of his left-wing fascism noncense here. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MP on 3:20 am on Dec. 22, 2001

Believe it or not gentlemen... but the Irish Rangers (Irish army elite force) are rated at the 2nd or 3rd best in the world (not sure).

Better that the SAS :cool:

Let's not turn this thread into another "who's better" thread and so on... I'm only stating fact's here.

(Edited by MP at 1:21 am on Dec. 22, 2001)

<span id='postcolor'>

UK SAS is he best there is.

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Yes Delta Force does have a less than perfect track record don't they? If I recall didn't they or the seals screw up the Iranian Hostage Situation?

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1. G3A3

2. G3A3

3. G3A3

4. G3A3

5. G3A3

6. G3A3

7. G3A3

8. G3A3

9. G3A3

10. G3A3

In my opinion, one of the best assault rifles there is. It'll do some serious damage, it doesn't fire a peeny cartridge that's designed to wound people.. G3/SG1 is even better for multipurpose use. It'd be nice if you could represent it in game accurately, allowing to use the scope when you want to, and the iron sights when you want to.

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Yes, 1980.

I know all about this so i'll break it down for you.

1) Carter tells Joint Chiefs he will militarily sieze the hostages

2) Newly formed Delta Force say they are specially trained for this type of conflict


but do not have a specific branch (Like today 190th SOAR Nightstalkers) to airlift them to the area.

3) So the USMC volunteer their UH-60s.

4) USAF gets snotty that they haven't been offered the job, and insist that they be involved.

So what happened?

1) ONE Air Force C-130 Hercules was to fly the "Gound Assault Group" halfway to the area and land in a secure spot in the Persian Desert.

2) Also SIX Marine UH60's (with USAF pilots as part of the *deal*), would fly in the "Abseiling Troop" and rendezvous with the C-130, and the GREEN or ABORT would be given at this stage.

3) The C130 men would drive towards the target, while the UH60 troops abseiled down onto it. This would cause maximum confusion within Iranian ranks.

4)ALL the troops would then pile into the Black Hawks and EVAC.

That was the plan. Unfortunately:

1)THREE BlackHawks aborted when they ran into a dust storm.

2)This meant that the Commander would have to 1/2 his force, because they now did not have room for all the Hostages AND C130 troops when EVAC took place.

3)The commander decided this was NOT good enough, gave the ABORT, and everyone piled into the machines to take off.


4)Because the USAF pilots weren't as well trained (no offence) as their Marine counterparts, while attempting take-off, one off the BlackHawks got disoriented in the dust cloud its rotors had thrown up, drifted sideways, and collided with the stationary C130. All the men and crew of the UH60 were killed, and only those Delta Operators at the back of the C130 got out in time.

This *unfortunate* event caused a rethink in the Military's attitude towards Special Ops.

Now, ONLY the specially trained are allowed take part in intrinsic ops like the above.

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"This is fact, are any of you in your country's elite?"

You may be in an elite unit but that does not mean you aren't an idiot. Your opinion is not fact. In "fact" it is far from it. There is no way to say which unit is better than another. The arguement is futile.

Many of you should look up the word "fact" in a dictionary. Some of you clearly don't know what it means. Very little in this world can be called fact.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Soon2B 2nd LT on 7:28 pm on Dec. 22, 2001

"This is fact, are any of you in your country's elite?"

You may be in an elite unit but that does not mean you aren't an idiot.  Your opinion is not fact.  In "fact" it is far from it.  There is no way to say which unit is better than another.  The arguement is futile.

Many of you should look up the word "fact" in a dictionary.  Some of you clearly don't know what it means.  Very little in this world can be called fact.

OPINIONS ARE NOT FACT.<span id='postcolor'>

Me think's you didn't read the full post?confused.gif And you seem to have a profound facination with the word "fact".

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No, MP, he has got a point. Maybe "FACT" was the wrong word to use. It is, as he states, only my opinion on who the best Elite units of modern warfare are. But I will say this; I said "fact" merely to emphasise the "fact" wink.gif that I have experience with these guys, both socially and 'when it counts', so I think (perhaps incorrectly) that I should know a little more than Joe Bloggs about who are the real ELITE.

Nit-picker. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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you can judge the most elite by what they've done sucessfully, obviously the SAS would by the best special forces today if you look at it that way (cos they've done a lot more successful spec op operations from WW2 to modern day) while spec ops who f**k up an awful lot (not putting down accusations here wink.gif ) will be down the bottom of the chain. Its safe to say that each special force is trained the same more or less, and with the SAS and things like that you get different kind of troops (artic, mountain, water etc...).

so say if the SAS had a larger varieety of specialised troops than the navy seals, they'd get extra kudos.

obviously thats just a basic system that i personally use. no doubt people will cry out ''but it wasn't their fault in somalia'' or something, but hey, it was US f**k up that compromised SAS squads in the gulf, so i just ignore all the ''thats the RAF's fault not the SBS' '' and ''that was the marines that gave away the seals position'' etc...

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If the SAS f**ks up, and I guarantee they have, I doubt we would know about it. Its pretty tough to deny a bunch of planes and choppers crashing into eachother. The SAS probably dont have nearly as clean a track record as everyone thinks.

I still think they're the best though. smile.gif

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well considering places like aden, borneo, jebel akhdar, africa in WW2 they've done some impressive stuff. I mean, they usually just scared the enemy into retreating and fleeing in terror (jebel akhdar, aden, borneo) while in WW2 they proved themselves in straight up firefights, in the gulf they did the stealth thing pretty well (although there were f**k ups), they did the embassy well (although one guy f**ked up while repelling), they helped out the GSG-9 in their counter terrorism activities.

overall they haven't got much to tarnish their reputation apart from the odd f**k up, nothing incredibly major, the biggest f**ks up probably being in WW2 where they were drive by shooting german airbases.....

whereas organisations like delta force and the navy seals are too covert for us to know much about what they do, and the only things we hear about is how they got killed in some situation.

so it could be that the SAS f**ks up a lot more in covert ops (that we won't hear about) than Us/german/french etc...

its just what we know about the SAS shows them to be a really really successful regiment while what we know about others may not give us the same impression.

i of course am biased towards the SAS because i'm british though :biggrin:

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Black Hawk Down on 7:19 pm on Dec. 22, 2001

Yes, 1980.

I know all about this so i'll break it down for you.

1) Carter tells Joint Chiefs he will militarily sieze the hostages

2) Newly formed Delta Force say they are specially trained for this type of conflict


but do not have a specific branch (Like today 190th SOAR Nightstalkers) to airlift them to the area.

3) So the USMC volunteer their UH-60s.

4) USAF gets snotty that they haven't been offered the job, and insist that they be involved.

So what happened?

1) ONE  Air Force C-130 Hercules was to fly the "Gound Assault Group" halfway to the area and land in a secure spot in the Persian Desert.

2) Also SIX Marine UH60's (with USAF pilots as part of the *deal*), would fly in the "Abseiling Troop" and rendezvous with the C-130, and the GREEN or ABORT would be given at this stage.

3) The C130 men would drive towards the target, while the UH60 troops abseiled down onto it. This would cause maximum confusion within Iranian ranks.

4)ALL the troops would then pile into the Black Hawks and EVAC.

That was the plan. Unfortunately:

1)THREE BlackHawks aborted when they ran into a dust storm.

2)This meant that the Commander would have to 1/2 his force, because they now did not have room for all the Hostages AND C130 troops when EVAC took place.

3)The commander decided this was NOT good enough, gave the ABORT, and everyone piled into the machines to take off.


4)Because the USAF pilots weren't as well trained (no offence) as their Marine counterparts, while attempting take-off, one off the BlackHawks got disoriented in the dust cloud its rotors had thrown up, drifted sideways, and collided with the stationary C130. All the men and crew of the UH60 were killed, and only those Delta Operators at the back of the C130 got out in time.

This *unfortunate* event caused a rethink in the Military's attitude towards Special Ops.

Now, ONLY the specially trained are allowed take part in intrinsic ops like the above.

<span id='postcolor'>

There wasnt any UH-60 inovolved in operation Eagles Claw. It was 8 huge RH-53D Sea stallion taking of from USS Nimitz. And most of military analysis accords that failure of action was caused by poloticla press on Special forces teams and specialy on Col. Beckwirh


Click for more informations


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perhaps abit of "disinformation" on one side involved in that operation?

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