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Need som help with a arty script

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Im using this script i made to fire arty at a group when a trigger gets activated.

_unit = _This select 0;

Target1 = _this select 1;

While {triggerActivated mortar1} do


[group _unit , getPosASL leader target1, ["IMMEDIATE", "he", 1, 2]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

sleep 10;


it works well but one problem is that it will just shoot at the unit that the current leader of the target group. What I need is to make the arty target random units in the targeted group?

a second problem are how to make the arty less accurate at the moment it hits dead on the target if its not moving.

any help would be nice

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I have a mission where 2 Opfor mortar teams fire on the player's team. I set dispersion so that it hits a random area around the target. Here is the script I use for one of the mortars:

_loc = getPosASL target1;
[OpforBattery1, true] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetShellSpawn; 
[OpforBattery1, 80] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion;
[OpforBattery1, _loc, ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 1, 8]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

The line in question is BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion. I just included it all to be complete.

Hope it helps!

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