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Level of damage on vehicles

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One thing that bothers me when it comes to thrilling rides in my chopper when I pass over 3 enemy shilkas at low altitude is how much punch a chopper can take while staying stable.

I mean, for now all it is is a chopper flying perfectly until the last bullet that shut its engine off.

Id like to see, maybe in Resistance expansion, diffrent stages of damage to choppers and other vehicles.

lets say after 20% of armor loss, your chopper becomes less responsive to your controls. After 30% it starts shaking and smoking, after 40% your rudders are unstable and your chopper starts going in directions you dont want it to go

For vehicles, like a jeep, truck, it could be vulnerable to bullets other than the tires, so if you shoot the engine, it will smoke and eventualy shut down after a mile or 2

For tanks, well it already smokes and have its stages.

I think it would be a lot more interesting to be the pilot of a chopper being shot at, dont you think so?

It doesnt need any new hit boxes, only stages of damage related to the armor. This subject must have been discussed before, but i dont feel like trying every word combo possiblities in the search engine =P

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Funny that you should mention this, about half an hour ago I was playing a CTF and immagine my surprize when one of my teammates drove up to me in THIS:


Weird huh? This BRDM looks dead enough, in fact I saw it take a LAW, but yet when my teammate walked up to him he still had the option to get in, and the thing was still running. The enemy team was also a bit surprized when they saw us drive up to their base in that.

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lol hehe I had a similar bug, on a map with 2 small islands, we would have a combat chopper that respawns.. well each time it respawned, it respawned crashed, but i was the only one able to make it work.

My friends were seeing me fly a smoking piece of metal in the air =P lol the roters werent even moving and you could see a ball of smoke go by too bad I got no screenshots

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LOL if i ever saw a dead chopper flying around my base i might consider taking a M-60 into an engagement

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