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Movable Waypoints on the Map, discovery and questions

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Hey guys, I just discovered that in ArmA 2, upon adding waypoints to the player group via addWaypoint, these waypoints show up on the map and are actually moveable via the mouse. Extremely nifty!

I'm attempting a Total War style mission system (with distinct "turns" and strategic map/action phases, etc), and this built in ability to easily modify WPs would really come in handy. However, I'm running into some issues here:

  1. After trying various commands, I can't seem to get these added waypoints to disappear from the map. Anyone able to manage this?
  2. Similarly, I can't seem to remove the player's ability to move these WPs around on the map via the mouse (in cases where you'd like them to remain visible but not modifiable). Any ideas?
  3. Switching gears for a moment, interestingly if you start out with editor placed waypoints, and then add additional waypoints to the player group via addWaypoint, only the WPs added via addWaypoint show up on the map (plus the initial "zero" WP)... however, NONE of the editor placed waypoints appear on the map!!! I confirmed all the expected waypoints do indeed exist via the waypoints command. Anyone know how to make the editor placed WPs show up on the map as well?
  4. So far, I've only been able to get player group WPs to show up (on the map via addWaypoint). Anyone know how to get WPs to show up (and most importantly be movable) for other friendly groups?

Any help or insight is much appreciated as always. :)

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OK, I figured out how to make WPs show up on the map and hide them, which is via showWaypoint. (Tried that before but I must have borked something up.)

Still stuck on two things:

2. Make these now map-visible WPs non-moveable.

4. Show WPs on the map for friendly groups other than the player group.

Any suggestions?

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