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Dark clouding on objects

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I just wanted to cross post from the Nvidia thread to get maximum exposure.

Hope thats ok?

Hi all,

Thought I'd post my issue here first in case it's Nvidia related.

Recently I have been having issues with ' darking clouding ' around objects. It is especially noticeable around trees, foliage and objects requiring AA such as Ariels and poles etc. Whilst moving foliage renders slowly and goes much darker than it used to.

The overall effect is like playing with a dirty, oily screen...

Whilst always having texture issues with pop ups on foliage and lagged rendering on objects it has been made worse with the clouding issue.


Below are a couple of screen shots. Please note these won't give a clear idea as motion makes the issue worse.

In the first one you can see the power lines to the left of the Merlin are dark and cloudy, these flicker when in motion. In the screen shot it appears as a dark line along the ground...

Image > 100kb

In the second one you can see the ariels on top of the control tower doing the same thing. also a dark cloud appears near the top of a ' street light ' to the right of the soldier and infront of the Bradley.

Image > 100kb

These shots just give a very slight idea. Motion makes the issues much, much worse.

Below are my current settings. All lowish just to show that I'm not stressing my comp.

Image > 100kb

I run the game off ARAMA 2 Launcher with ' skip splash screen, CPU count 4, Max Mem @2047 and priority high ' all set.

FPS is between 45-50.

Nvida settings are:

Quoting hotlinked image

Quoting hotlinked image

My comp specs are:

i940 @ 3.5Ghz

1 x GTX 460 @ 825Mhz

128 GB C300 SSD


Driver is

266.58 WHQL

Edited by Zipper5

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There is no reason for you to crosspost when you only waited 20 minutes between the posts and were already getting answers in the other thread.

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