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First aid and simulation module bugged

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**If this has been addressed already can this thread be deleted or moved**

When using the First Aid Simulation Module in multiplayer I have noticed the following problem.

(this has been tested and confirmed using triggers and dialogues)

When you enter the agony state you are put into the civilian side, once you are recovered from the agony state you are not returned to your original side.

Behaviour you may encounter when this bug is active:

* Enemy not engaging you or shooting at you.

* Negative score when killing enemy.

I have removed it from all my missions for now and ask if anyone can reccommend a decent alternative.

Thanks in advance.

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This seems to only happen in missions with respawns as far as I can tell. But yes it's an old bug. While this bug can be easily fixed by some extra scripting, there are also other bugs when using the module in missions with respawns.

Heck, there are some bugs when using it in missions without respawns, but those bugs are much less common.

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Try this. Maybe this can help. At the same time this addon will be tested in MP :)

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