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The Battle for Bomb Alley (BBC Mon 31 Jan 08:30 pm)

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In fact if they understood that Wahhabism is anti Islamic they might well switch sides.

Al-Queda is on intimate terms with the Taliban, the Taliban control the opium producing regions of Afghanistan by brutal force, Afghan opium farmers are painfully aware that we cannot provide their families adequate security from Taliban enforcers. There will be no switching sides...

By what method do we ensure the sooner Al Qaeda are destroyed the sooner this will end.

We deny Al-Queda sanctuary, specifically the tribal areas of western Pakistan. Allowing terrorist networks a safe-haven where they have the ability to plan and train for large-scale terrorist attacks is lunacy, we must keep terrorists insecure and on the run.

Al-Queda's leadership has safe passage in Waziristan and operates freely there, they have recources, a secure logistics network, and most importantly, time to hone their skills.

To allow Al-Queda's command centre to remain in the region unfetterd by both NATO and the Pakistani military will only result in further destabilisation of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

As I wrote earlier -

A full-blown massive scale ground offensive against the Pakistani Taliban in Waziristan could end the war right now. Waziristan is Al-Qaeda's Ho Chi Minh trail. Unless the epicentre of terrorism is destroyed the war will forever remain unwinnable.

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