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Helo safe landing without crash?

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I have a code that is called by player.

Then the code will create a marker in front of player and the helo is landing at that marker.

But if I am in a big town or in a heavy forest, then the helo will allways try to land at the marker and allways chrash.

So how can I get the helo to land on safe ground?

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Try to find an appropriate location by BIS_fnc_findSafePos (more here).


_lz = [getPos player,15,_distance,22,0,20*(pi/180),0,[],[]]call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

(15 is min distance from player, so the heli won't land on you,

22 is the min. radius needed for the UH-1, experiment with this setting,

20 degrees is a safe slope to land)

_distance is a tricky one: if too close, it is possible that no safe place is returned. If too far, many times it will give a too far place, although it could have given a closer one.

So make a cycle (while or for) and increment in like 50 m steps.

Last step: spawn an invisible helipad on the found location:

_lzSpot = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle _lz;

Then heli can land on _lzSpot.

It is time and power consuming method, I am sure that more experienced guys can come up with something lighter, but this method has always gave me good landings. So if you don't try to land more than 1 heli at a time, it could work.

Edited by zapat

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