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General suggestions

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Posted this in another thread, but decided I would rather start my own rather than take that one off topic.

What I would like to see in an ArmA 3 (or paid addon):

1) Better, easier to use mission editor. Spawning infantry in vehicles shouldn't have to be done via scripts. My suggestion would be that when you double click on a vehicle,there would be a "cargo" tab. In here, it lists how many slots are open for personnel, and how many there are total. It is often hard to remember such scripts or how many people can fit in every vehicle.

Another suggestion for the mission editor would be waypoint placing. In anyone has any version of LOMAC (and most likely DCS), for vehicles there is a waypoint mode which automatically sticks to roads. This way making a vehicle stay on a roads for an entire map can be done in a click of a button, with some slight adjustments with your mouse. Better than placing each and every single way point on the road manually, which takes forever.

2) Proper weapon animations. Animate and simulate the differences between a wet and dry reload. Make the reloading times realistic for each weapon. Reloading an M4 should be much quicker than reloading an M240.

If they can, go further and do all three reload animations like GRAW 1/2 PC does (GRAW allows you to shoot your weapon during a reload/when no magazine is in the weapon).

3) 3D scopes (look at Red Orchestra and Insurgency). The 2D scopes in ArmA feel very awkward and make aiming a pain. I prefer using iron sights/red dots in ArmA because of this.

4) Improved vehicle physics. Right now, the ground vehicles do not feel that realistic. I am not asking for simulation levels, but right now it feels like you are floating on air.

5) Better and quicker squad command menu. Look at SWAT 4 or Raven Shield. Much easier and more efficient.

6) Separate the fire mode selector from the weapon selection key. Very annoying.

7) Use RO's "mag feels heavy/light/empty" idea. You should be able to feel the difference in weight to tell if a mag still has a lot of bullets left or not. Much better than the ammo being displayed when reloading. While we're at it, lets put this in the corner of the screen rather than the center like it currently is.

8) Weapon resting on surfaces (see RO), bipods, flash lights.

9) Smarter AI. Self explanatory.

10) We should be able to move when holstering/upholstering a side arm.

11) When you're moving in ArmA 2, if you throw a grenade, your player will stop and have a grenade throwing animation. However, your player will not actually throw a grenade. Then he will. Annoying bug that should be fixed (should be done in a patch for free...)

12) 3D Mission editor. I know there are mods for it (can someone link the best one to me?), but one that comes with the game would be great. I found the 3D mode in Jane's USAF's mission editor very helpful.

13) Door breaching with shotguns, modeling different types of ammo?

14) Less bugs!

There are some more I thought of when playing the ArmA series, but these are the major ones that I would like to see off the top of my head.

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1. Don't be lazy, it's not that hard and the mission editor is the easiest editor I have used

2. That we do need

3. How many games DO have 3d sights

4. Yes

5. Maybe but i'm fine with the one we got now

6. ...

7. Just disable HUD, and the "feel's" thing is good though

8. Yeah

9. AI is not that easy to do

10. Yeah but I think that's an engine thing

11. Been like that for ages (first OA)

12. I hate the 3D editor, that IS hard for a noob

13. Yeah but we don't wan't BC2 how you can blow up a building with a shotty

14. BI are workin' on it

15 (Added my me). Don't rush BIS, or there will be more bugs

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1. It's not lazy, it's removing the need to script every little thing you want to do by having a GUI. I've used easier editors in the past, but not many as flexible as this. Not to mention I've been using the editor for years and I still have to look up some basic stuff that could easily be fixed by having a GUI.

2. Dear God yes, this alone would bump the immersion level up immensely.

3. Not a whole lot of games are military simulators, but there are plenty of games that use a much better sight setup. If you want it proper, there's RO and Insurgency, as stated above, but if you wanted to go the cheaper route in regard to scopes and optics there's tons more (Far Cry 2, Crysis, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc).

4. It would be nice. Sliding with a tank can be fun, but sometimes it feels like a hovertank in Halo.

5. A more interactive one would be nice, but personally I solve this issue using voice commands. Much more fun that way as well.

6. Dear God, yes! Nothing worse than trying to change your RoF and having to cycle through your smoke grenades, 203s, hand grenades, satchels, IR strobes, and whatever else you're carrying.

7. This is in ACE, but it would be nice to have it as an option in the vanilla game (and mandatory at higher difficulties). I know that when I can see the ammo counter I have a tendency to use every bullet I can, while if I can't see the exact number I reload a lot more often.

8. This would be pretty nice, especially with the M249 and such. It's somewhat simulated already when your prone, but I'd really like to crouch with my rifle on the window to hold it steady for the perfect shot at times as well.

9. There's a few community mods that do an outstanding job of enhancing the AI, and even without those mods you can still tweak the AI to a pretty decent level. There's some things that they just flat out won't do, but it's better than the default by far.

10. I was happy to finally be able to reload while moving, and this would be the next logical step. However, I'd like to see a delay when moving fast compared to a walk (reloading included). It would be pretty foolish to pull out your sidearm at the same speed if you were running as if you were standing still.

11. Again, this would be nice, especially since it can easily get you killed.

12. I'd like the 3d editor as long as it was easily compatible with the 2d editor and I could freely switch between the two. It's much easier to place things where you want to (and avoid texture popping at times) if you can place them in 3d rather than guessing constantly with the 2d editor.

13. Better CQC in general, for that matter.

14. Here here!

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