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Helicopter Extraction issue - Help needed!

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I have spent a lot of time searching for an answer to the following problem both on this forum and using Google search; both of which have been unsuccessful. So i thought I would make my first post and see if i can get some help from the community.

I have been working on a mission which uses a helicopter insertion and extraction. The Helicopter insertion works fine but I seem to be having an issue with the extraction.

Helicopter scripting and Waypoints used:

1. Helicopter on ground with a LOAD waypoint, this is synced to the Lead player’s GET IN waypoint. The LOAD waypoint is also synced with a trigger with a script that counts all the units in my group to ensure that the helicopter doesn’t leave without someone.

{_x in ch1} count units insertionTeam == count units insertionTeam;

2. Once we are all in the Helicopter turns on its engines and flies to a TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint that is synced to the Players GET OUT waypoint. Here the Helicopter lands kicks out the lead player who than gets the rest of the AI team to disembark. The helicopter flies back to a MOVE waypoint that uses land “LANDâ€; to make the Helicopter land and turn of its engines.

3. Player then goes and does mission which if successful triggers a MOVE waypoint once an object has been picked up. This MOVE waypoint is the location of the LZ extraction point. The pickup object Trigger also triggers a HOLD Waypoint for the Helicopter to move to which half way between the LZ and the base it came from.

4. The players MOVE waypoint is followed by another GET IN waypoint, this is triggered by throwing an IR Strobe:

((count ((markerpos "CheckSmoke") nearObjects ["IRStrobe",50])) > 0)

This Triggers 2 waypoints, the players GET IN and the Helicopters LOAD waypoint which are synced. The Helicopter comes in and lands. This waypoint has another count group trigger synced to it. The Group and the player gets in the Helicopter

5. The helicopter has a final MOVE waypoint but for some reason it will not take off and move once the squad is inside it.

I have tried testing AI Helicopter MOVE, LOAD waypoints synced with player waypoint GET IN and it worked. The Helicopter flew to the LZ it hovered, my units got in then it moved away. For some reason when I try and use this in the mission I have built the helicopter will not take off and move to its last MOVE waypoint.

If anyone could shed some light on this I would be most grateful.


Edited by Lewis909

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Just read your post and would love to help but I cant shed any light on it I am afraid. Someone here will know though.

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in your count condition, are you also checking for whether or not any units are still alive in the group? this may be a possible problem as whether or not a unit dies in this time frame can make the trigger never fire off because the amount of units it initially counted has changed (or it still considers dead units in its list and since you cant get a dead unit to go inside a chopper, it never completes)

throw in some hints on the triggers and waypoints to make sure they are firing off. this sounds like a fairly complicated waypoint and trigger synch setup and so im not too knowledgeable on making such things work (i just prefer to script it all and use domove to move to the next position)

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This is the count code i am using:

{_x in ch1} count units insertionTeam == count units insertionTeam;

It work perfectly at the beginning. I have tried it with and without code. the helicopter just lands and stays there.

map that does not work

In this test mission I am doing what i believe is the exact same process and it works.

test mission that works

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The IR Strobe was causing issues so I replaced it with smoke.

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IR Strobe was causing issues

I would be interested in why the Strobe causes issues here.

I know the strobe makes a combat helicopter to fire at a the strobe location.

Maybe the heli changes its behaviour, that way it is in combat mode and doesnt land.


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I would be interested in why the Strobe causes issues here.

I know the strobe makes a combat helicopter to fire at a the strobe location.

Maybe the heli changes its behaviour, that way it is in combat mode and doesnt land.


I think this is what happen. but what I was experiencing when I was using the blackhawk as the helicopter set to limited, neverfire, careless it would just land and never take off. Change the strobe to green smoke and it worked perfectly.

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Can you post the working example or is it the same as the mission you already posted? I'm sure people could use something like this.


I'm trying the mission from the 2nd link but the heli just stays in mid air and never lands.

Edited by Manzilla

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so in the example mission:

Heli is landed.

You go to the way point.

Throw Green smoke heli moves it also Triggers a GET IN waypoint for the player. If you move closer to the get in waypoint you will see it move to being over or in the heli and it will move closer to the team and hover very low to the ground.

Edited by Lewis909

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I did that. It moves to the load WP and hovers about 50ft above the ground. It wont land.


I got it. I needed to move closer to the WP in order for the heli to land.

Edited by Manzilla

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So it worked?

I guess if you increase the "GET IN", waypoint completion area it will land when you are further away from it.

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