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Getting from intro to mission--how do i do it?

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Being new to mission editing, but really getiing into it, I hope that this is not one of those questions that gets asked 1000 times by newbies.

Anyway. I can't figure out how to get my intro to end and automatically go into the mission part. I read a posting on another board talking about setting a trigger to be ativated by "EndVar", and setting the player Init to EndVar=False, then at the end of the intro setting EndVar=true. But the posting was rather vague and I couldnt figure out how to make the trigger become activated by EndVar. If someone could give me step by step instructions on how to do this, I would be Very Greatful.

Thank you.

Alexander R. Warner

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When you want to end intro (or outro) use end trigger same as in mission. You can use whichever from end#1 to end#9.

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Dun't about the EnVar thing but when you are saving the mission, select 'submit to single missions' or what was it? Then the mission goes to the single missions section and when you run it you'll see that the intros and the mission are merged to each others. The intros and the mission cannot be merged in the editor.

Hope it helps.

EDIT: Ah crap, You ment that how can the intro be ended? Sorry.

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that worked, thank you. Didnt realize you cant do it in preview mode, you must export it. Thanks!

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