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need help with a trigger

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is there a way to make a trigger end the game if a pre-set building in takistan (ex. house) is destroyed?

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Group(F2) the trigger with the house, set the trigger to not present and change the type to end.

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If I do this, it the triggers activates right when the game starts. If I say PRESENT, it does not activate, even when building is destroyed.


My mistake. It works like a charm.

Edited by speeder

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Can we get some useful titles? Titles like this make using the search function a pain in the ass. It's much better to have a descriptive title and be able to search by title for subjects.

Thank you.

I did this in a mission I made a while back unfortunately I can't remember how it's done. I'll try to open it again in the editor but I think it's too outdated to open. I may have to tweak a few things just to see it in the editor. Also, check the search function for this forum section, that's where I got the info to begin with.


Here's the thread I started last year to ask about destroying buildings.


Edited by Manzilla

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