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Rudder Control

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Is there any way to gain rudder control over your aircraft at >50kmph? It's ridiculous how little the rudder affects both fixed and rotary wing aircraft ever since OFP.

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Sorry i dont, but speaking of aircraft controls, i dont like how the game automates the flight controls, everything is automated like a fly-by-wire system but not quite.

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Rudder control is lost in real life at high speeds. Slow down and you gain rudder control back. Bank left/right at high speeds to turn.

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Sorry i dont, but speaking of aircraft controls, i dont like how the game automates the flight controls, everything is automated like a fly-by-wire system but not quite.

What exactly do you mean by this?

Rudder control is lost in real life at high speeds. Slow down and you gain rudder control back. Bank left/right at high speeds to turn.

Yes I know, I'm a pilot myself. This game has horrendous representations of real life flight envelopes though. I mean if planes couldn't turn with their rudders at their targeted speed there would be no point to even put em on the aircraft. For example the cruising speed for a Harrier II is transonic in real life, but in game you can't even get up to that speed if you're flying like a bat out of hell, with the wind, in the stratosphere. Even with these remarkably slow speeds for a jet aircraft you cannot control yaw with rudders in the slightest, the aircraft just dog tracks.

Edited by JuggernautOfWar

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Like the auto-throttle, elevators & rudder are all automated during flight, dunno about the ailerons proberly some form of automation involved.

Quoted from wiki

A fly-by-wire (FBW) system replaces manual flight control of an aircraft with an electronic interface. The movements of flight controls are converted to electronic signals transmitted by wires (hence the fly-by-wire term), and flight control computers determine how to move the actuators at each control surface to provide the expected response. Commands from the computers are also input without the pilot's knowledge to stabilize the aircraft and perform other tasks.

Although most of the modern fighter aircraft have this kinda system, its simply hardcoded into the flight model so every plane has it, like A10, SU25 which isnt FBW.

Its proberly there to serve the AI more so than the player or simply makes it easier for noobs to fly using keyboard and mouse or something, i dunno.

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I never understood why they have the auto rudder. I bank left and automatically the rudder goes left.

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