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Deleting dead zombies

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So I have waves of zombies set up. Once all the zombies in said wave are dead, another wave comes. I want to delete zombies say 15 seconds after they die.

I looked up ways to delete units when they die but the methods I found all required stuff being put into init fields, and since these zombies are being spawned by undead mod I can't use init fileds.

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ok i dont think there is an undead mod in Arma 1 only in Arma 2 so you should ask this question in either the thread of the undead mod or in the Arma 2 mission editing and scripting area.

If this is for Arma 1 could you elaborate more on the spawning system, you could also try this script:


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Yeah sorry about that, don't know how I found myself in this forum way down the main page to ask this Q.

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