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Another noob question.

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I'm slowly getting into Arma2 starting with SP scenerios,Ive played all of them through apart from FREEDOM FIGHTERS so I'm familiar (roughly) with the game play,the problem is i keep getting killed for no apparent reason,Ive got control of 2 towns MYSTA-STAROYE Ive also built up defences there to try to hold them before i move on,i am in my base camp heavily defended miles away (its impossible to get killed by ENEMY forces)then suddenly i get shot but don't know how,1st i thought friendly fire but there's nobody there.

am i missing something ? this is very frustrating it has happened 4 times now

after days of building up my teams,Ive also tried different towns always the same.really need some advise.

cheers Dan

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My apologies i didnt read the rules,thank you Walker.

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Hi and welcome papadan,

Don't be discouraged. All newcomers to ARMA go through the painful adaptation from shootem-up to battlefield simulation. ;)

I guess you are talking about the CTI (Capture The Island) mission where you must take control of the towns. Its not really meant for single player but more an introduction to test and learn the principles before playing online. Try to join a multiplayer game of CTI and follow players for a bit to get a sense of how they play... There are better versions of this game mode called Domination and Warfare BE.

General gameplay rules for ARMA (my thoughts)

The main thing with ARMA is to do things as if it were real. Sounds corny but until you pretend that you only have one life you will not be as careful looking for enemies. Looking around from inside a bush will help to conceal you from AI and human players.

-Always try to keep something in front of you when moving forwards and stop behind something (Even a bush will partially block AI view). Always lean around obstacles and look carefully not just a quick sweep before moving again.

-If you are spotted and run behind cover the AI will predict your movement based on your last known position and speed. Wait a moment before revealing yourself again otherwise they will be ready for you.

Hope that helps a bit and keep at it :D

Edited by EDcase

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Thanks EDcase,

this is certainly different to the usual FPS games,not sure if there's much

point in playing MP yet (could get a bit embarrassing) but I'm really enjoying it

up to now,Ive found out it is one of my own CREWMAN that is shooting me but don't know why!! anyway thanks again for your advise,looks like its gonna be a long hard fight.

cheers Dan

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Hi papadan

After looking at the mission I think it is just that being commander you are a high priority target.

In all honnesty jump into the MP feet first.

Playing on Dao's Server running Valhalla is usualy a good start, it will be vanilla ArmA, so no addons to synch up and it is very popular as a start point. The game form is similar enough to other FPS that you will not get too lost.

If you feel more adventurous you can join us on Zeus on Sunday and Thrusday evenings. Just PM me and I will arrange it for you. There are some addons/mods to synch up so allow some time in the afternoon or day before for that.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Thanks Walker,

i think ill give MP a go, ill get back to you regarding the hard core sessions

once Ive familiarized myself a bit more.

Many thanks


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