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Force AI plane to drop bombs on IR marker

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Basically what I want is force Harrier to consider dropping bombs on IR marker as the top priority.

There are several APCs in the area that fire at the plane and so the pilot spends too much time avoiding fire instead of dropping the bomb (or even attacking APCs). What's the trick to force it to drop bomb on IR marker no matter what and then go about his own business?

Tips that involve setCaptive "cheating" are also OK.

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perhaps set the APC's to captive, the plane should then ignore them - perhaps also experiment with:

{_x allowDamage false} forEach [harrier,(driver harrier)];

APC's would then shoot at the harrier but be unable to down it. There are probably better ways of achieving this though. Other things to try would be to remove the harrier's other weapons (cannon, missiles etc) to stop it doing strafing runs.

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