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Hmm... i know it's been asked before...

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I have an issue, and it can't be a new one...

I've got two pc's hooked up through a Linksys router to a cable connection. The second pc I want to use to host a deddy server, but.... Everytime I fire it up with a config file, ANY config file, no-one can get into it, including myself over the LAN. Without any config, it works fine and all is well, but I'd like to get it to work while maintaining some control over who does what and such. (With admins)

Here's the whole rack of stuff that I can think of to tell ya...

Using the latest deddy server exe, latest version of everything..

Linksys router with the server as the DMZ, with the following ports forwarded;

Ext.Port Protocol

2234-2235 both UDP and TCP

6515 - both

47624 - both

6073 - both

28900 - both

29900-29901 - both

13139 - both

I've tried the sample config, a friend's config slightly modified with my reporting IP in it and a few others and the result is always exactly the same. I've changed the forwarded ports a few times too, turning some off and others on...

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

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Right off the top, I can see that you are missing a very important port range used by DirectX/OFP: 2300-2400, both UDP and TCP.

Check out AvonLady's firewall entry in her FAQ.

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Ahh.. Okay, that's easy. I had those in there at one point, and read somewhere that they weren't 'absolutely' necessary.. I'll add them back in and post again shortly..

Here's the last config file I used too.. Remember, without it or any other config, myself, and anyone else "can" connect to the server..


// add a line password="{password}" here to assign a password for this session, which everyone who wants to join the game will need in order to connect

passwordAdmin = "******"; // Admin password

class Missions // list of missions that will be played in cyclic order


class Mission01 // {BAM}01


template = 4-1_Armour Raid.Eden; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 50; // sets another mission specific paramter


class Mission02 // {BAM}02


template = 4-2_BMP Camp.Abel; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 50; // sets another mission specific paramter


class Mission03 // {BAM}03


template = 4-3_Crossroads.Abel; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 50; // sets another mission specific paramter


class Mission04 // {BAM}04


template = 4-4_Dawn Raid.Eden; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 50; // sets another mission specific paramter


class Mission05 // {BAM}05


template = 4-5_Hostile Ground.Cain; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet

param1 = 600; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission

param2 = 50; // sets another mission specific paramter


class Mission06 // {BAM}06


template = 4-6_Thebeach.Abel;

cadetMode = 1;

param1 = 600;

param2 = 50;


class Mission07 // {BAM}07


template = 4-7_Under Fire.Eden;

cadetMode = 1;

param1 = 600;

param2 = 50;


class Mission08 // {BAM}08


template = 2-8_HoldCity.Cain;

cadetMode = 1;

param1 = 600;

param2 = 50;


// descriptions of more missions may follow


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Well, I'm not gonna argue with success... It worked!

Don't ask me exactly why, cause I know I had those ports opened several times before.... Maybe I just did too much and messed something else up in the process of changing from this to that and back again...

Anyway, thanks for the help Mister Frag, mucho appreciated!

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