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Ambient Civ count

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Try this:

BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount", "round (%1)"];

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Im currently playing with this too so I'll give ya what I know. First off heres the page you need.


You need to place a expansion(ALICE2) or standard ALICE module on your map. then you can basically run these commands in a script or in the ALICE init line I believe. Im doing it in script.

The command you want in particular is:

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (%1 / 10)"];

There are a couple things you have to know here; the setvariable it is talking about is the first array or "civilian count". You can change a bunch of these options. I also suggest changing the population coefficient too.

The second thing you should know is the value, in this case it is "round (%1/10)". Ok you can change this straight up to be:

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","100"];

Where 100 is a solid number and thats what your going to get. the way they have it written is a bit confusing,

I'll help you out: its a math function.

Basically in this function %1 is ALWAYS the amount of buildings with doors(in the given town up to 500 meters) the AI can use.

Round is just math, its telling it to round the number off.

so you have number of buildings in town with open doors divided by ten, and then round this number off in parenthesis.(if you've ever used a graphing calculator it is the same needed rules like parethesis. everything in parenthesis comes first.)

In one of their examples it is 2 times the square root of the amount of doors in the city.

I would also recommend this:


If you scroll down youll see my questions there too. Good luck.

**Oh by the way placing a ton of AI civvies is tough on the computer because they all use the BIS module that runs scripts constantly to control them, It can get a bit obscene, so far the highest I tried was 500 but after about 200 depending on what town I was in they just spawned on each other and ALICE didnt even have half a chance of controlling them all. Basically I had 100+ stone statues plus a couple stragglers that were actually doing stuff.**

Edited by WildFire8

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Thanks guys.

BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount", "round (%1)"];

adds quite a few civilians, but

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","100"];

seems to break it. I don't find anyone in town when I use this one.

The first one is good, but I would like more people. It seemed to add about

triple the amount of default people.

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Try using:

 BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (2 * (sqrt %1))", true];

and changing the 2 to 5. I think the highest I did was 10.

Oh and if you use that custom module I gave the link for, set debugging to true and youll be able to see whats going on.

Edited by WildFire8

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I only entered that info into the init line. The last one seems to have taken away people from the default level. I only saw one old lady with a bad back.

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This will give you a ton, just change the 3 lower or higher to tweak, you can use decimal values aswell (2.5 etc):

BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount", "round (%1 * [color="Red"]3[/color])"];

Edited by bhaz

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yeah, that worked!

It took a minute, but they came pouring out the doors. :)

Thanks for all your hard work on this one!

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