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Manhattan Mission problem

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Hi all,

I captured Antonina Lagushina and take her to the LZ, but the hind never lands, it flies around shooting at the ground and I'm left standing there forever. Am I doing something wrong?

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I remember that Chedaky attacks on the LZ and until you kill all attackers (also destroy all their vehicles!) CDF Hind never lands. Had same issue and blowing up their cars fix that.

Also if this not help try to destroy near Chedaky camp near forest.

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Ragnos is right, you need to clear the sourrounding area for all enemies and even empty enemy vehicles.

Here are some coordinates which should check:

Go to Black Mountain forest at GPS COORDS 100037 (enemy tent camps in treeline with about 5 enemies) Destroy UAZ vehicle that has grenade launcher first. Eliminate all enemies nearby the tent until autosave happens. Get RPGs and Snipers in the boxes located inside the tent if you need. Place them to your vehicles Gear-storage if no space for them).

Go to Black Mountain forest at GPS COORDS 103039 (enemy tent camp in the forest with about 5 enemies). Approach from south to get the best visibility and keep the other bunch of enemies located northwest of this one to flank you. Machinegun enemies near tents and behind trees until autosave happens.

Also if Insurgent main base is located in GPS COORDS 100021 and not in 088048. You may need to get enemies from there too.

There is also a house in GPS COORDS 091043 (south of LZ). 3-5 enmies tried to attack me from there, but it could have been a random thing.

I usually leave Escort contact to LZ-task just because it is easier to bring Lagushina when there are less enemies around.

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