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Mission wont progress. Arma II One Week later

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Hi all,

I'm on the mission "One week later" in the Arma 2 campaign. I have the latest patched ARMA 2.

I can't progress this mission. When i get off the bicycles, load my guys in the chopper, and it begins to take off, get the dialogue...

Then the mission ends, as i read that is normal.

But when i get to the mission select list, theres no new mission, just the same One Week later and play it over and over...

Is there anyway to activate the next mission? Or does anyone have a save up to this point they can email me?

Much appreciated.


Edited by ADVJake

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I havent played the missions so can't help you with that, but you can unlock all SP and campaign missions with a cheat.

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I also have this problem and I can't progress onto the next mission. I don't particularly want to cheat either...

Any ideas on how to fix this? I bought the steam version a few days ago.

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I am having the same issue...i have the steam game i just purchased. I ride the bike and direct my team to head to the Osprey and once they board...i then follow we start to dialog and it pops up that i have not passed the mission. Has anyone a clue what to do?

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I managed to fix it.

I clicked revert on the one week later mission in the mission select list. Seemed to fix it.

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I had the same problem, seems it fixed itself after few retries - i assume the problem was in killing one of the sabre team members while taking off. On the last try, when the mission went as it should, all sabre members remain alive...

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Got the same problem. Looking on another forum I found a hint : some Sabre guys die without warning, and the mission fails without a message...

When the plane starts its engines, it starts turning on the left. It's got some sort of gun ( ? ) on its front that might hit sabre guys and kill'em...

Poorly designed mission.

What I did is : save before getting into the plane, and restart until no sabre guy was killed :eek:

Ugly, but works without cheating.

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I had the same problem but about a minute before this post, I shot the Osprey on the left side and it moved a little then i ordered the team to get in that is my easy fix just forgot to hit space and shot the V-22 thats it =P DK how it happened but it did :yay:

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I clicked "Continue" at the Campaign selection screen when the mission ends and it seems to fix for me

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i got the same bug i fixed it by quitting the mission then selecting it from the mission list and selecting revert.

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