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Weather Q's + Unitcount command?? + Radio messages??

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I did some more searching and found the setrain and setovercast commands. My apologies for looking harder but the command list I downloaded did not have the setrain command listed. Thanks

Next, can someone give me an example of how you would make a command to send in reinforcements for the player? For instance the player's group has fallen below a ceratin number and that triggers reinforcements? Something like a unitcount command??

Lastly, can someone point me to a listing of all the radiomessages by popabear?

Thank you very very much

Edited by Blitzen

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create a trigger triggered by east, west or resistance present. name the trigger - send1

in another trigger:

Condition: count list send1 <= 30

you could then synchronize that trigger to kick off all the waypoints of reinforcements to start moving. Do this by dragging synchronization blue line from reinforcement waypoint to the trigger. Do it from waypoint to trigger - rather trigger to waypoint - if not careful you could undo all the previous synchronizations - Having to redo all again.

Rinse, lather, repeat to all subsequent reinforcement group's waypoints.

Then you'll have time release of units where and when you want.

Also you could use scripts for further possibilities - but I'll leave that for another topic & another time.

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