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Briefing Mistake

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Can anyone point out my error as to why this isn't working I am jst screwing around trying to learn this and the

setsimpletaskdescription line fails on me.?

Player CreateDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Briefing", "ok Boys this is a tough Mission but I have alot of Faith in you<br/>

You Only have yourselves and whats in you packs for the 1st part of the mission<br/>

Things may change after that depending on your success. God loves the Seals!!"]];

tskobj_1 = Player createsimpletask ["Extract Map"];

tskobj_1 Player setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract Map from Ahmad Rashir He is well protected leader among his terrorist buddies", "Extract Map", "Objective 1"];

Well happy to say I found my mistake and if anyone wants to know what I did wrong here it was the Player in that line it should have read

tskobj_1 = Player createsimpletask ["Extract Map"];

tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Extract Map from Ahmad Rashir He is well protected leader among his terrorist buddies", "Extract Map", "Objective 1"];

Edited by Breeze

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