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Does anyone have experience with this function? I found it while looking through the function viewer, but I'm not sure how to implement it, I really need a new transport system for my mission, as Drapers Air Support is VERY buggy with ACE, and I understand that it was not made with ACE in mind.

It seems stupid that they don't give you any examples for it.


scriptName "Functions\systems\fn_transportService.sqf";


File: transportService.sqf

Author: Choze


Transportation system


1: <object> unit allowed to use the transport system

2: <object> vehicle providing transport

3: <array> positions to be chosen by player; accepted strings are "pickup" and "unload", the second position is defined by the next paramter (OPTIONAL)





//MP framework init (used for move command given to transporter vehicle)

if (isnil "RE") then {[] execVM "\ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\MPframework.sqf"};

textLogFormat["SOM_ transportService.sqf %1 %2",_this,time];

//parameters init

_caller = _this select 0;

_veh = _this select 1;

_passedPos = _this select 2;

_mainScope = _this select 3;

_secopScope = _this select 4;

_supportType = "transport";

if (count _this > 5) then {_supportType = _this select 5};

_plannedLZ = [0, 0, 0];

_allowed = ["pickup", "unload"];

//making sure valid parameters are used

if (typeName _caller != "OBJECT") exitWith {textLogFormat ["Error: Invalid TSS parameter #1: is %1, expected OBJECT.", typeName _caller]};

if (typeName _veh != "OBJECT") exitWith {textLogFormat ["Error: Invalid TSS parameter #2: is %1, expected OBJECT.", typeName _veh]};

if (!(isnil {_mainScope getVariable "TSS_allowed"})) then {

_allowed = _mainScope getVariable "TSS_allowed";

if (!(typeName _allowed == "ARRAY")) exitWith {textLogFormat ["Error: Invalid TSS parameter #4: is %1, expected ARRAY.", typeName _allowed]};

if ((isnil {_mainScope getVariable "TSS_plannedLZ"}) && count _allowed < 2) exitWith {debugLog "Error: Missing TSS parameter #5 (fixed position)."};

_plannedLZ = _mainScope getVariable "TSS_plannedLZ";

if (typeName _plannedLZ != "ARRAY") exitWith {textLogFormat ["Error: Invalid TSS parameter #5: is %1, expected ARRAY.", typeName _plannedLZ]}


//setting up initial variables

if (format ["%1", _veh getVariable "supPool"] == "<null>") then {_veh setVariable ["supPool", [], TRUE]; if (!(_caller in (_veh getVariable "supPool"))) then {_veh setVariable ["supPool", (_veh getVariable "supPool") + [_caller], TRUE]}};

if (format ["%1", _veh getVariable "supPhase"] == "<null>") then {_veh setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE]};

if (format ["%1", _veh getVariable "onMission"] == "<null>") then {_veh setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE]};

if (format ["%1", _veh getVariable "stuck"] == "<null>") then {_veh setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE]};

//adding the unit to pool

//if (!(_caller in (_veh getVariable "supPool"))) then {_veh setVariable ["supPool", (_veh getVariable "supPool") + [_caller], TRUE]};

//initiate the support run if it was called from the commanding menu

BIS_transportServiceFSM = [_caller, _veh, _passedPos, _allowed, _plannedLZ, _supportType] execFSM "ca\modules\functions\systems\fn_transportService.fsm";

textLogFormat["SOM_ transportService.sqf click %1 %2",_this,time];

//updating positions on-the-fly

[_caller, _veh, _allowed, _plannedLZ, _supportType, _secopScope, _passedPos] spawn {

_caller = _this select 0; _veh = _this select 1; _allowed = _this select 2; _plannedLZ = _this select 3; _supportType = _this select 4; _secopScope = _this select 5; _passedPos = _this select 6;

waitUntil {(!(isNil {_secopScope getVariable "coordsUpdate"})) || !(_caller in (_veh getVariable "supPool"))};

if (!(_caller in (_veh getVariable "supPool"))) exitWith {};

_lastMarkedPos = _passedPos;

while {_caller in (_veh getVariable "supPool")} do {

if (_lastMarkedPos distance (_secopScope getVariable "coordsUpdate") > 0) then {

_lastMarkedPos = _secopScope getVariable "coordsUpdate";

BIS_transportServiceFSM = [_caller, _veh, _lastMarkedPos, _allowed, _plannedLZ, _supportType] execFSM "ca\modules\functions\systems\fn_transportService.fsm"


sleep 1



Found it in the function viewer, but I still don't know how to write it ingame.

Why can't these things just have an example with them, it honestly wouldn't be that hard to do.

Edited by Militantsausage

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Can any devs or someone chime in here?

I have no idea why there are so many undocumented functions.

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