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Voice over hack?

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I feel I have been hacked in game with some one using a voice over hack.

While in game on our server we experienced a voice over that sounds like a very low pitched and slow grumble almost like a pig or boar sound.

We where having a great game until this started.

As an Admin I attempted to kick the player but it seems he was a ghost as I could not see him and when the sound started it did not show on screen.

Most of my members use TS however some use voice in game as well as players that join.

Is there a way of turning of voice in game at server level?

I would rather al players join our TS so we could then regulate them..

Regards Nuke

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Oh my gosh, never seen anything like this before. By the way this is posted in Multiplayer Section instead.

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I feel I have been hacked in game with some one using a voice over hack.

While in game on our server we experienced a voice over that sounds like a very low pitched and slow grumble almost like a pig or boar sound.

We where having a great game until this started.

As an Admin I attempted to kick the player but it seems he was a ghost as I could not see him and when the sound started it did not show on screen.

Most of my members use TS however some use voice in game as well as players that join.

Is there a way of turning of voice in game at server level?

I would rather al players join our TS so we could then regulate them..

Regards Nuke

Thats a bug with A.I. voices and not a HACKING ATTEMPT. But go on in kicking players for game bugs, that will make you loads of new friends.

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That is a game bug, not a "hack". You're not the first to report it either, so might I make a recommendation that before you kick people please be sure you have done your research. As Ulanthorn said, you'll lose friends very quickly.

Thread locked as issue has been resolved.

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