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View Bohemia Interactive missions in editor?

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As the title says, is it possible to view any of the Bohemia Interactive missions in the editor so we can use them as reference to make maps and/or use some of their scripts in our maps?

If so, how can it be done?

Sorry for using my first post to ask a question >.<



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The only way i know how to do them is to find the campaign or mission and use a unpbo tool. I had pboview and it worked perfect, but since OA I can't unpbo anything anymore.

They changed the headers and I have tried every pbo editor out there and I can't find any that work.

But others have some that work.

The armatools supposedly works, but you have to have some windows net 2.0 thing and my computer won't install it.

Search in some of the other threads. search "pbo" and you should find a few that talk about a bunch of different kinds. If you find something let me know.

I also heard that once you put one on, and it doesn't work, you have to find all the references to it in your system and change them one by one.

but if you want to edit any of the regular arma2 missions it will work.

HOW: use the tool to unpbo and place it in the folder that has your editor missions at. then you can open them up in the editor and see everything.

Whats cool is playing them that way, then use RTE during the mission to add anything at anytime as you play.

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Great, thanks a ton. I can get .net 2.0 framework working if that is what you are talking about. I will try to extract the missions now (if I can find them, where are they?). If I have any luck I will post the BAF and OA unPBO'd missions on here.

Thanks again

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missions_e.pbo for the OA missions, don't have BAF but they'd be in the BAF folder under a similar name. Posting them here is probably against the rules.

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Alright, well I found the pbo and extracted the files with no problem. If anyone is interested in viewing the missions let me know and I will send them to you or tell you how to extract them (I used EliteNess v2.23).

Hopefully that wouldn't be against the rules as you need to own the ARMA game or BAF game to actually view or play the missions.

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