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lao fei mao

Is the optic zoom rate right?

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I noticed that all the rifle optics zoom rate are much larger than their indicated one. Such as in ACOG x 3.5, the objects are actually enlarged over 9 times, the Leupold x10, actually almost 30 times. Why? Can anybody help me figure it out?

And by the way, what's the relations between the value in OpticZoomMin and its actual zoom rate? How could I calculate it out based upon the zoom rate I wanted? Thanks!

Edited by Lao Fei Mao

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//why dont you test it with script...

_Wep = primaryweapon player;
_WepConfigName = (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _Wep );
_WepDistMin = getnumber (_WepConfigName >> "distanceZoomMin");
_WepDistMax = getnumber (_WepConfigName >> "distanceZoomMax");
_WepZoomMin = getnumber (_WepConfigName >> "opticsZoomMin");
_WepZoomMax = getnumber (_WepConfigName >> "opticsZoomMax");
_WepName = getText (_WepConfigName >> "displayName");

// Now little formula... 0.25 is default view
_Def_Povecava = (0.25 / _WepZoomMin);
_Def_PovecavaMax = (0.25 / _WepZoomMax);

// Round recived numbers

_Def_Povecava = round _Def_Povecava;
_Def_PovecavaMax = round _Def_PovecavaMax;

player sidechat format ["%1 scope have %2x magnification ", _WepName,_Def_Povecava ];

player sidechat format ["You can adjust scope on %1 from %2x to %3x magnification.", _WepName, _Def_PovecavaMax,_Def_Povecava ];
player sidechat format["%1 is zeroed on %2 meters.",_WepName,_WepDistMin];

Start with radio trigger ; works good with scoped weapons...

nic=[] execvm"xyxyxy.sqf"

Edited by mchide
Found error... :D Updated

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The optics appear to produce larger images because the default field of view is much larger than it would be if you were looking through a screen-sized window in reality. It's not that the images in the scope are too large; the images without the scope are too small.

This is necessary, though. If the default field of view were set to a realistic level, then the smallness of your computer screen would make it practically impossible to have any situational awareness, and this is even less realistic than a zoomed out view.

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