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Some A/C and Vehicle Addons in the making ....

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Thanks PV,

i already used this source for a couple of months now...... have you checked out the minigun opening volley vid? smile.gif

Could take a while before releasing the Apache and soundmod, because at the moment i´m really into MS FS2002 professional that i got christmas, it´s so d*amn beautiful and realistic that i havn´t touched any other game since i got it (takes alot of time too), even if you can´t blow things up in it.

But i´m looking forward to release the OFP mods as fast as possible.

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Hmm, infact i don´t know of any other Simulation portraying ATC procedures as spot on as FS2002 as anything else.....

Flightmodels have been certified by Boeing, although you can smell the marketing strategy behind it, they  feel "right", even better than planes in IL-2. After all Pilots influenced the making of the simulation considerably, FS2002 is suited to be used as training aid for real pilots. You have complete Flight analyses, instructor mode, basic Flightschool and Flight certificates you can earn in VFR and IFR, for single props as well as Jets.

You can download the actual real world weather and wind data for the region where you are flying.

With addons you even have a fully functional Airport with refueling vehicles, passenger bus transports, catering, departure boards that show actual flights, marshalers, animated tunnels and stairs for boarding, etc etc.

Considering that the whole globe is spanned, graphics are stunning and terrain has real world height data.

The A/C´s are graphically the best there are- no game or simulation that is commercially available has better and more accurate models.

There are nifty details such as there are smoke puffs and rubber left on the runway when touching down, wheels turn when lifting of the ground...each wheel with it´s own speed! Contrails, raindrops on the windscreen and many other details.

As i took an C-130 addon for a spin over my hometown, i was actually able to identify the city part in Düsseldorf where i live.

You have tons of addons, mostly from very skilled people, even real pilots that contibute to the simulation, you can make what you want out of FS2002. You can choose to be a cargo pilot flying goods from Continent to Continent with an 747-400, or you can play as a bush pilot in Africa flying a Cessna Skylane 182 S, drop food with a C-130 in Somalia, flying for a passenger flightline 777-300´s, or flying in an aerobatic demonstration team the Extra 300S or L-39 trainer jets.

Almost everything is possible, you can even ride cars or Harleys.

This is definitely the best and most realistic civil Flightsimulation out there, if not the overall best regarding flightphysics, avionics, display with almost infinite possibilities to customize it to fit your personal needs.

Are you sure we´re talking about the same piece of software Aldega?

(Edited by Satchel at 2:08 am on Dec. 29, 2001)

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Don't think so, I was talking about FS98 wink.gif

Btw, how is the helicopter-handling in 2002? (in 98 it was incredibly bad)

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I don´t know about FS98, but in FS2002 the Bell 206 Jetranger behaves as i expected it to. Can be flown without issues, except on the highest realism setting, where you should have some rudder pedals to call your own, cause without them controlling the tail rotor is a pain in the ass.

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