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Ai and various ammo...

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Have you ever noticed that Ai never changes ammo engagin different targets?

I've never seen tanks firing heat ammo on enemy infantry nor ai officers using smokes or ordering their men to load the mortar projectile when possible... What do you think about it?

It's quite sad when a m1a1 tries to catch every single man in a formation with tons of sabot, instead of shootin a single an lethal heat projectile.

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No I'm sure they dont' use heat... an heat fired from a t80 can take out 4 men in line formation with one single shot. The AI fires only sabots and you can tell it by the fact that they kill rarely more than 1/2 soldiers per shot.

You can see it quite well also with bmp2: infact the heat shell makes a great cloud of dust and smoke and the AP doesn't. Try to put yourselfe under fire by a bmp2 and you'll see that he can only shoot AP at you.

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The AI gunners in my game are very adept at changin ammo types. it's probably a skill level thing with your gunners.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MHSJROTTCADET @ May 08 2002,23:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The AI gunners in my game are very adept at changin ammo types. it's probably a skill level thing with your gunners.<span id='postcolor'>

I dont suppose you live in Midland. Texas, do you?

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take my word for it, i know when i'm getting shot at with sabot and when i'm getting shot at with heat. half my squad getting mowed down is a good indicator.

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I wouln't even worry about the smoke though.

Smoke doesn't even affect AI.  Just the player.  So it is only a hindrance to you.

And what about your avatar breaker?  Are you related to that COLINMAN guy?

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Prob not, though he is a handsome looking fella if I say so myself smile.gif

There just picks from the defaut avatars. I haven't got around to making a web page just to host sigs and avatars. Guess call me lazy.

Oh yeah, what was this topic about? I've haven't really noticed what rounds the AI is shooting at me, I'm too busy dieing our trying not to get hit so I haven't even thought about it.


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Hey IceFire how did you edit your post tomorrow? Has it changed yet or do we have to wait to see what you wrote smile.gif

Man these boards act weird sometimes


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I just changed from spelling your name in little letters to capital letters.

That way it is more recognizable as to who I meant by COLINMAN.

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People keep saying smoke doesn't effect AI, but I (and others from coop LAN games) have successfully hidden from AI in smoke clouds. confused.gif

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I tested all the stuff with the maximum skill level that is possible to set...

I tried a lot also using the bmp2 because the difference among AP and HE is more visible since AP ammo doesnt' explode on the ground and I'm pretty sure that the BMP2 shot my men without usin HE projectiles

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Another little thing, the HEAT ammo of the tanks create a giant crater on the ground, much greater than the sabot one.

I created a little fight between a couple of infantry squads and a pair of M60 platoon: well no one for sure shot a single HEAT toward the infantry, all the field was filled with little SABOT craters... it's quite a shame.

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