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Donner & Blitzen

Help me diagnose this - could be affecting all of our framerates!

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Start up ARMA, go into a mission, stand still and observe your framerate. Wait a few minutes, then minimize the game. Wait a few more minutes, then switch back to your game, and see if your framerate has increased. Then see if it goes back down after a little while. Make sure to stand still in game. Please give in actual numbers what your framerates were before and after.

I can get to 30-50 frames after minimizing, after which it drops back to around 20 and below.

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I ran a mission on Chernarus and was getting 25 FPS before minimizing. Later it was 26 to 27 FPS after waiting several minutes minimized. In Zargabad PMC mission, I consistently get 50 to 60 FPS.

Last Winter when the 1.05 patch came out for Arma2, a lot of people reported improved frame rates, and my FPS dropped radically. Now I see others reporting frame drop, and mine seems to have improved over all. Weird how that works.

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Nvidia 285gtx with 1gb. I don't know why some get the FPS drop. I've read many posts of all kinds of hardware configs. I should mention that I'm using an older Nvidia driver, from May I think. After that driver, I was getting frequent nvidia driver has stopped working errors, and it would recover and mess up the graphic settings in-game, causing me to restart Arma. Now it is working great again.... but also I reinstalled Win7 recently because I could not get another game to run at all. In any case I have better FPS and far less crashes on older driver.

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