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Graphics problem

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I'm having this problem.


Note the trucks coming down the road


Note the trees in the distance are green blobs


Note the tank in the distance

Once within a few meters the detail appears and everything looks fine. A virtual memory problem perhaps

260.89 drivers on MSI 470 running WinXP SP3.

Changing in game video settings doesn't fix the problem.

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it haPpens to me ALL the time, its not a problem everything is still loading (i don't mean every time i start the game, i mean every single minute I play i do a mission even up close they sometimes look like that)

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I am not quite sure when it happened, but the crappy lod/ blurry blobs, wacked out square tire trucks etall, has been there for awhile. The slow loading for me is very rare, But if i use BAF(i own the DLC) it is worse. It was a OA to A2 patch last summer maybe. But the IQ of the game took a big hit with the tree blobs, poor light model in them. Guess its for performance.

But with in 10m the game is nice.

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So no way to fix this. I got the game off steam so I think I'm stuck with the latest patch.

Astonished they'd mutilate their game like this.

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