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Campaign PMC: The Intro-video freezes

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Hi everybody,

I have got a problem when i launch the campaign, the first intro-video don't stop freezing every seconds: 1sec play - 2-6 sec freezing, 1 sec play, 2-3 sec freezing... each time i have tried.

I need to skip it to start the mission. Then, the little video with the phone works perfectly. So why the intro doesn't?

Without this, all runs very well.

my spec:

E8500, ATI 4870 1Go, 4 GoRam, win 7 64,

Comb.Ops. 1.56 + BAF+PMC.

Thanks for your help.

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I have this problem too. The first four or five times I tried to start the campaign, the intro movie stuttered like hell, but when it ends the first mission plays ok. But I started it again one more time and it ran ok, with only one or two slight stutters. Maybe the video was loaded into ram after the first couple of attempts?

I`ve just tried to run it again after getting home from work today, and the same thing happened. The first few seconds of audio plays ok, then when the Ion logo appears, it stutters like hell. I can play Arma2 and Baf with no problems, so whats going on here?

My specs,

E7500, Nvidia Gtx260, 4Gb Ram, Win 7 64 bit. Patched up to 1.56, and I have Baf and Pmc.

Giuppo, we both have dual cores and win7 64 bit, so it must be something to do with one or both of those.

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Ho Bobario,

Some other guys on a french forum have reported the same problem, and they dont have only dual core, 4 core too :(

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I have the same issue. I am using the steam version.

But, I am running an AMD Dual Core, 32bit Windows XP.

So it's obviously not the version of windows...


So I noticed the little Iphone causes this massive slow down aswell. Completely unplayable! Im guessing its most of the videos that they integrated with this patch. Absolutely terrible.

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

Guys, go get the latest version of klite codec pack. I have no idea which codec fixes our problem... but one of them does.

Hopefull BIS can give us some specifics on the SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS of their release.

Untill then the pack will fix ya up.

Edited by methods

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