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How do I get a civilian (Civ1) to follow me (player1)?

I can use the JOIN command but a radio command is issued. It works but I want a silent JOIN with no radio command.

I think the DoFollow command will do this but I can not get it to work. I have tried this:

Civ1 DoFollow player1 (does not work)

[Civ1] DoFollow player1 (does not work)

Civ1 DOFOLLOW player1 (does not work)

How the fiddle feck does this work? I can get the DoFire and DoTarget commands to work but not this one.

I have thrown a chair across the room; I give up.

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I think I must dissapoint you, this is what the Unoffical Command Reference says about it:

Command :


Description :

Causes selected unit to follow a unit. Effectively makes him return to formation. This command will not cause him to follow anyone but his leader. Use the Join command to do that.

Syntax :

Unit1 DoFollow LeaderUnit

Unit1 is the unit you want to return to formation.

LeaderUnit is the leader of Unit1

Returns :


Example :

MyGuy DoFollow leader MyGuy


Similar to the CommandFollow command execpt the DoFollow command will not cause the leader to issue a radio command. If Unit1 is a player controled unit, there will be no effect

So he follows the leader, so the civilian must be grouped to the player. confused.gif

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he won't follow using dofollow unless he's in your group

there is a convoy script at ofpec that you might be able to adapt

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ok...let me cut to the chase......I want unarmed civilians/restistance/enemy to chase me or follow with issuing them a command. I want to have to run away from them--angry mob type thingie.

Is this possible...yes, the join command works but then I have control over them...I do not want to control them

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Theory coding:

Use a continous script that every once in a while give the ais order to move to players location (quiet move order). They will follow you... if they get to close I suppose your dead anyway, so the thing with them all crowding around you you dont have to worry about.

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